13 {The Potters}

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ROSE WOKE WITH a start and froze seeing two strangers staring down at her. She made to sit up but the man with messy dark brown hair, brown eyes, and square spectacles put up his hands telling her to not move. The tall ginger-haired woman with familiar green eyes gave Rose a soft smile. It comforted Rose to look into those green eyes.

The couple simultaneously sat down on either side of the bed Rose was currently lying in. It was then that Rose remembered the events that lead her here to the Hospital Wing. The Quidditch match. The broom. The three mysterious figures pulling her forward. Then finally, the screech from Ghost and Rose falling to the ground.

Ghost. Rose looked at her feet and saw her Kneazle licking at her paws and staring at the couple who sat beside her. Ghost seemed to see no trouble in this visitation. This also comforted Rose.

"Who are you?"

Nightime showed through the cracks of the white linen curtains that softly rippled in the wind. Only two other patients were in the Hospital Wing, but they were peacefully asleep not having a single clue that intruders were in there midst.

"I'm Lily," the green-eyed woman said with a soft voice. Delicate as her voice may be Rose saw the sharpness in those green orbs. The women named Lily looked at the man across from her and introduced him, "And this is my husband, James. Your Uncle Fred asked us to keep an eye on you tonight to make sure you were safe from the things others couldn't see."

"You're the Potters," Rose gasped. The glasses, the hair, the sharp green eyes. Her Uncle Harry was a perfect mix between the two.

James snickered and nodded his head, "Yes, yes we are."

Rose gazed amazed at the couple in front of them. She heard so many stories of them. So many heroic tellings of how they fought against Voldemort and what they accomplished for the Order of the Pheonix. They were such strong people that were met with an unkind and unfair fate.

She was surprised she hadn't recognized them the first moment she laid eyes on them. Everytime Rose visited Albus's house she was always passed the framed picture upon the mantel showing a scene of Lily and James dancing under the falling leaves of autumn. It was a beautiful and calmly to watch.

"How are you feeling, darling?" Lily asked her leaning forward, but cautious enough to not touch her.

"Confused," Rose honestly answered and James snickered again.

"Well, of course you are. We all are..." He sighed leaning back in the wooden guest chair. "Even us souls only have a faint idea on what's going on. I'm sure Fred had filled you in on everything so far from your first visit with him. But since your fall we now know more, and it's not good."

"James," Lily grumbled, looking delicately at Rose and then back at her husband. "don't scare her."

"Tell me," Rose demanded looking straight into those piercing green eyes. "There's nothing now that you can't tell me that will make me spiral into insanity. I'm being haunted by souls. My fate is somehow connected to Ravana's actions. I've talked to my dead Uncle. I was summoned by three mysterious figures and now I'm talking to my other Uncle's dead parents. Whatever new information you've gathered I can take it."

It was a moment before she got a response from either of them. Lily looked taken aback but eventually nodded in agreement. James grinned at Rose.

"I'm glad we have a strong one on our side," James whispered and leaned up from his chair, his elbows propped on his thighs. "First, let's start with who you saw the day you fell from your broom. Who did you see?"

Rose shrugged, "I don't know. They were covered in black robes and their faces were hidden under a thick hood."

He nodded and continued, "Not knowing their identities is a problem, but what we are all mostly worried about is how they charmed your broom to fly towards them..."

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