Chapter 20

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The house was quiet when she woke, there was a blanket tucked around her and when she slowly moved to sit up, a piece of folded paper fell off her lap and floated down to the floor.

Frowning slightly, Maggie shifted to pick the small note before leaning over to brighten the low-lit lamp. Opening the paper, she smiled slightly at the sight of Logan's neat penmanship.

'Sleep well my dear, your grandma told me to go home, so I will see you sometime tomorrow. I love you and I pray that you have a peaceful sleep. Forever yours, Logan.'

Closing the note, she held it close for a moment in comfort, he was a sweet man, and she couldn't deny that she liked being around him.

"Are you alright my dear?" Grandma asked as she walked into the sitting room.

"I am okay." Maggie said quietly as she shifted to make room for Grandma to sit next to her.

"I love you, Magnolia, and I am sorry if you feel as if I am abandoning you." Grandma said seriously.

Maggie exhaled at that, "I apologise for storming off. I know you are not abandoning me; I just didn't expect that you would be leaving too." Maggie admitted.

Grandma shifted to place her hand on hers. "My heart cannot heal here. There has been too much loss." She said with a sigh.

"I know Grandmama." Maggie held tight to her Grandmothers hand. "I just do not know what to do." She said in defeat.

"You can always come with me. I hate the thought of you being here alone." Grandma said seriously.

"So, what will happen, will you sell the house if we are to leave?" She asked in confusion.

"No, but we'll sell the animals and close this place." Grandma said seriously.

"Oh, so it would all be here if we returned." Maggie realised at that. "Alright, I'll come with you." She said with a sigh.

"Are you sure? Maggie?" Grandma asked her.

"I've prayed and prayed about it; I do not know the answer. But I know that I cannot stay in this house, not by myself." Maggie explained to her.

"Alright, well I shall start to organise things, did you want to ask the Morelli's if they wanted to buy any of the animals off us?" Grandma asked her.

"I can ask them." Maggie nodded slowly at that before she shifted to get to her feet. "So, what should I pack?" Maggie asked her.

"Just a trunk of belongings, we cannot take much." Grandma explained.

"Ah, okay." Maggie said with a sigh, "I suppose I can leave my books with Logan." She added after a brief pause.

"Alright be ready to leave in two days." Grandma told her, "That's when the stage will take us to Riverwell to catch the train from there." She explained.

Maggie nodded at that, "Alright Grandma, I'll be ready." She said with a defeated sigh, hating that she needed to make the decision to leave.

"Why don't you have something to eat? There is plenty of food?" Grandma suggested.

Maggie shook her head, "I'm not very hungry, I think I'll just go up to bed." She said simply.

"You slept for most of today? How are you still tired?" Grandma asked with a frown of worry.

"I don't know. Sleeping is the only thing I feel like doing?" Maggie admitted.

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