Chapter 22

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"Little wife, we are almost back in town." Logan's voice was rousing her from her slumber, and she straightened off his broad arm with a yawn.

"Do you think people will be surprised?" She asked him.

"I think they will be happily surprised." Logan said with a smile, "We shall have to host a celebration." He told her.

"At our house? I don't think I can go back to church yet." Maggie said quietly.

"That's understandable." Logan nodded as he shifted to wrap his arm around her. "I love you." He said as he kissed her temple.

"I love you too." Maggie said in return as she settled back next to the broad man. "When do you think Oliver will contact you?" She asked him.

"I don't know, probably once all the dust settles." Logan said simply.

"Are you mad at him?" Maggie asked him, realising she hadn't asked his thoughts on things.

Logan exhaled, "Yes, I am mad. If I had known he was going to leave, I would have stepped in and had a few men on high alert...maybe I could have stopped Mr Morelli." He explained as he shifted to rub the back of his neck.

Maggie nodded at that, "I'm mad at him." She said with a sigh.

"I know and you have every right to be." Logan said seriously as the coach started to slow. "We are home my dear." He announced with a smile.

She smiled in return. "I'm still getting used to the idea that you are my husband." Maggie told him.

He smirked before leaning down to briefly kiss her. "I can always remind you later." He said simply, instantly making her face grow red.

The driver opened the door and lowered the steps before she could form a response and Logan just chuckled as he hurried to exit the coach.

Maggie rolled her eyes before hurrying to climb out after him.

"Logan! Its good to see you." Sherriff Luca rode up on horseback. "You ready to come back to work?" He asked even as Logan helped lift her onto the boardwalk.

"Sorry Sherriff, I need a few days off to be with my wife." Logan answered him.

"Congratulations young couple, I'm happy for you." Sherriff Luca said with a chuckle.

"Thank you." Logan said simply. "We shall organise a celebration soon." He told him as he shifted to grab their luggage that the coach driver lifted down.

"I'll be there." Sherriff Luca told them before he rode off, heading over to the office.

Maggie shifted to pick up their small carry bags, "The town loves you." She told her husband.

"It's home." Logan said simply, "It's where I grew up, its where I found my beautiful wife. I'll protect this town for as long as I can." He explained as they started down the street.

"Satori, you are back." Marco remarked as he stepped out of Clara's shop.

"It's East now." Maggie told him with a smirk.

"Ah, congratulations little flower." Marco said with a chuckle.

"And what are you up to? How is Clara?" Maggie asked him with an innocent expression on her face.

"She's still working through things. I was just making sure she was okay." He explained as he set his cowboy hat back on his head. "I've got to get back to work, so again, congratulations." He said simply before striding away.

"What was that about? Does Marco like Clara?" Logan asked as they headed towards home.

"Yes, but obviously he has to sit on his feelings for a while." Maggie explained, even as sadness washed over her at the thought of her brothers.

Logan shifted his arm around her in comfort. "Time heals things, My Love." He said seriously.

"I know." Maggie sighed as she leant into him for a moment. "Why did it take the cost of my brothers lives? To end the feud?" She asked him.

"I do not know. That is something I think only God has the answer for." He admitted to her.

Maggie nodded at that, there had to be a reason, but she didn't know if she'd ever know why her brothers had to be taken.

"If we had sons, did you want to name them after your brothers?" Logan asked her after a pause.

Maggie shook her head, "No, our children deserve their own names to make their own legacies." She explained to him.

Logan nodded at that, "I like that idea." He told her as they made their way to the house. She hurried up the stairs to open the door for him, glad that they were so alike in how they wanted to raise a family.

Looking around the house, she breathed in a sigh of relief, "It's good to be home." Maggie announced happily.

"It is...and home is even more comforting with you here." Logan said seriously from the doorway.

"The feud is over...but...all the hurt and darkness still remains." She said with a sigh as she folded her arms, feeling small.

"But there is hope too, Maggie." Logan reassured her, even as he moved to pull her into his embrace. "There is always hope." He told her.

She nodded against him in agreement.

Life would be different now, and the next generation wouldn't need to deal with the hate that had torn her family apart.

The feud was finished, and now only love could grow in its place.


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