Chapter 13

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"Maggie." Logan's voice woke her, and she scurried to her feet, stumbling slightly from her numb legs and she only just caught herself from falling face first onto the bed next to him. "Are you alright?" He asked quickly.

"I'm fine. I'm fine." She said with a sigh as she brightened the lantern on the bedside.

"You are still here." He said with a sigh.

"Of course." She shifted to peel the rags off his back, "Are you okay?" She asked in worry as she folded the rags and set them back in the bowl.

"Sore but I'm not dead, so I'm alright." He said with a sigh even as he struggled to push himself up.

"Please be careful." Maggie said in worry. "Ollie?" She called over her shoulder as she moved to steady Logan when he reached the edge of the bed.

Maggie shifted to stand in front of him, her hands going to his chest to keep him steady. "You are going to fall on your handsome face." She told him.

"I'm glad you think I am handsome." Logan said with a chuckle as he stood up.

"You are injured still." She said in dismay, "Where are you going?" She asked him.

"Outhouse, although I am rather hungry." He admitted with a sigh as she shifted under his arm to help him.

"I have leftovers from Grandma, I'll heat them up for you." She explained as they walked out of the bedroom. She frowned slightly when she realised that Oliver wasn't on the lounge.

"Isn't Oliver meant to be here?" Logan asked her as he paused on the spot. "We shouldn't be alone together." He shifted away from her to lean on the wall.

"That doesn't matter right now." Maggie said with a shake of her head.

"It does matter, because I love you and the last thing I want, is for the town to turn around and demand we get married because of this." Logan grumbled at that.

He was right, everyone would expect them to get married after spending the night together, even if nothing happened between them.

She looked over the handsome man as he lent on the wall, "You need to stop fussing over me. It's my turn to take care of you." Maggie said seriously.

His tired blue eyes studied her, "Maggie, you don't understand, we will need to get married if we are caught alone." He told her.

"Then we shall cross that bridge when we come to it." Maggie explained as she walked up to him, "Right now, I'm going to help you." She added.

"No." Logan straightened to face her. "Go across to Mrs Clarks, I don't want you walking home in the dark, but I can see the General Store if I stand on the porch." He explained with a sigh.

Maggie frowned slightly at that, "Don't I have a say in this?" She asked in dismay. "Or are you ordering me around now?" She asked with a glower.

"No...that's not what I'm doing, I just..." Logan's voice faulted, and he started to sink a bit.

"Don't pass out here." She said in alarm as she moved to press against him.

"I don't want to...Hurt you." Logan ground out, even as he dropped to a knee, dragging her down with him.

"Are you alright?! Logan let's get you back to bed! Or I'll leave you here and go get help." She asked even as she tried to steady him.

"Just give me a moment." He mumbled as his hands tightened on her arms and she gasped in surprise at the odd warm feeling that washed over her.

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