Chapter 2

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"Are you feeling alright, Maggie?" Derek asked her as soon as she walked back into the dining room.

"It just been a big day." She said simply as she moved to sit in between him and Oliver.

"Did you get the books you were wanting to buy?" Oliver asked her.

"Oh, no, I got distracted and didn't end up getting them." Maggie answered him, grimacing slightly as he frowned.

"Magnolia. What happened today?" Oliver asked her, his voice serious.

"Nothing happened." She said in annoyance.

"Well..." Carter started to say.

"STOP IT." She snapped at him. "Just...stop." She pushed back from the table and ran out, heading straight out the front door before halting in surprise.

Judah was just stepping onto the porch steps. "Miss Satori." He looked just as surprised as her.

"Mr Morelli." She managed to say in return. "You shouldn't be here." She remarked to him as she closed the door behind her.

"I know, but, uh, I wanted to give you these." Judah said as he held out the books she had wanted to buy. 

"Oh." Maggie carefully walked forward, "I'll settle with Mrs Clark when I am in town next." She said simply as she took the books from him.

"No need, I paid for them." He said as he stood back in the shadows, just out of reach from the porch lantern.

"They are expensive, you said so yourself." Maggie protested at that, confused as to why he would buy them.

"Don't worry about it." Judah said quickly.

"I'm sorry for running out, that was incredibly rude of me to do so." Maggie admitted in embarrassment.

"I was a bit taken aback from it, until Mrs Clark came in and asked where you ran off to. I didn't realise it was you." He remarked to her.

She hugged the books close. "Well, welcome home." She managed to say.

"Thank you. Well, I better go, Miss Satori, goodnight." Judah said simply before disappearing into the darkness, leaving her standing there in surprise at his odd kindness and she didn't know what to think or feel.

"Maggie, what are you doing?" Oliver asked as he opened the door.

"I...ah...was just thinking." She said simply as she turned around to face him.

"I thought you didn't buy your books?" He questioned with a frown.

"A...friend...dropped them off." It wasn't a lie...was it?

"Well put them in your room and come back to dinner." Oliver said seriously.

"Okay." Maggie hurried past him and ran up the stairs to her small room. Setting the new books on her desk, she paused in surprise at the slight crease in the pages of Summers Love.

Opening the book, she frowned slightly at the folded note that was in it, picking it up she hurried to open it.

'I know it's been eight years, and I'm sorry for startling you today. I just wanted you to know, that it wasn't your fault. This foolish feud is the reason. Hate was the reason. I'm done with it.

I know Morelli's and Satori's are sworn enemies, but you are not my enemy.

I threw friendship back into your face when we were children and I am sorry for it.

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