Chapter 14

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"Maggie, I'll be going now." Oliver's voice drew her from her sleep.

"Oh?" Maggie said up in alarm, worried she had slept in.

"I've got to start work earlier today." Oliver explained to her. "I'll see you at the dance." He added from the front door, already slipping into his boots to leave.

The dance.

She had completely forgotten about it.

"Alright, I'll see you later." Maggie managed to say. "How was Logan?" She asked as she hurried to get up, folding the blanket as she did so.

"He was fine, gave him some medicine about three hours ago." Oliver explained to her.

"Okay, thank you." Maggie nodded at that, already planning for breakfast after she tidied up a bit. Placing the blanket on the end of the couch, she set the pillow on top of it before hurrying out to the outhouse.

By the time Maggie walked in to check on Logan, he was already stirring from his sleep.

"Maggie." He smiled slightly at her. "Good morning." He mumbled as he shifted onto his side.

"Good morning. You plagued my dreams last night." She told him in dismay as she sat on the edge of the bed.

"Oh?" Logan tilted his head to the side at that.

"We had four children, our eldest was a boy, and then we had a girl, and then another boy and our last was a girl." She explained to him. "Our girls had curly gold hair like you, and the boys had dark hair like me." She added.

"Sounds like a wonderful dream." Logan said in amusement.

"Uh huh, well we needed a bigger house and I suppose you did look rather attractive as Sherriff." Maggie admitted as her face grew red.

"Aye I love you, you'll be the best wife and mother one day." He said simply. "You've taken good care of me." He added.

"Babies are a lot easier to take care of than you. Them I can carry." Maggie explained, "Are you up for breakfast? Oliver just left but I'm sure Pastor Andrew will be around soon." She told him.

"I suppose I could eat." He nodded as he wearily moved to get up. "Nothing's broken, but my back sure is killing me." He groaned in pain as he moved to sit on the edge of the bed next to her.

"I assume you won't be coming to the dance tonight?" Maggie remarked at that, surprised that she felt disappointed by it.

"I SHOULD come, to stop the Morelli's and Satori's from killing each other." Logan admitted with a sigh.

"It's just a dance. Surely we will be fine." Maggie remarked at that, even as he still didn't look convinced. "Logan, we'll be fine, you are already injured enough." She added.

"I know, it's a task just to make it out to the outhouse." He said defeatedly.

"Once you are better, we'll have our promised dance then." Maggie told him, promptly changing the subject.

"Indeed, we will." Logan agreed with a slight smirk, pain flashing across his face as she watched the stitches pull on his cheek.

"We will probably have to clean that." Maggie said with a frown as she moved closer to inspect the stitches.

Logan leant towards her, and she stilled as he gently pressed a kiss to her brow.

"What was that for?" She asked in surprise as her face flushed.

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