Chapter 17

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Several shots fired, the sound was almost deafening in the small room and she hurried to cover her ears to ease the painful ringing that followed.

"Stop it!" Maggie hurried to push Derek off Malachi. "Stop it the both of you." She shouted at them.

"He started it!" Derek grumbled as he got to his feet, wiping the blood that spilled from his split lip.

"I know. I know." Maggie said quickly.

Another shot fired and she screamed as Derek stumbled back, his hands going to his stomach as blood started to seep through his shirt before he collapsed to the floor.

"No! No!" Maggie ran to his side and dropped to her knees. "You aren't going to die!" She hurried to put her hands to his wound to try and stop the bleeding, panic washing over her.

"You killed him!" Carter's shout cut through to her and she glanced over her shoulder to see Carter run towards Mr Morelli.

"Don't!" Marco hurried to grab the gun from his father just as it fired. Tears washed her eyes as she watched Carter crumple to the floor, and she dissolved into a mess of sobs.

"Maggie..." Judah sunk down next to her, "Why don't we get you out of here?" He suggested gently.

She couldn't move, she could barely breathe let alone try to get up, she felt cold and numb. She opened her mouth to answer him, but nothing came out. She didn't know how long she had been sitting there but everyone else had cleared out.

"Where...where are my brothers?" She managed to ask him.

"They both have been moved to the doctors." Judah answered her.

"Maggie." Logan's voice caught her attention and she watched as he carefully limped over.

Emotion welled up at the sight of him and she instantly burst into tears again.

"I'm here now." His arms came around and she twisted to lean into him.

"I want to see my brothers!" She managed to mumble to him.

"I know. So, do I. So, let's do this together." Logan told her as he kissed her brow.

Maggie shifted back to look up at him. "Why come here?" She asked him.

"I heard the shots; it took me a bit to get here." He said simply as he brushed her hair back from her face.

"Derek is..." Her voice faltered as she struggled to admit the words.

"I know. Maggie. I saw him get carried out." Logan said gently, "I'm sorry...Maggie." He whispered to her.

"" Maggie struggled through her tears as her heart felt as if it had been squeezed tight. "It's not fair!" She sobbed.

Logan held her tightly, "I know, Maggie. I know." He soothed.

"Maggie. Carter isn't going to last long." Pastor Andrew hurried in.

"Go. I'll be there soon." Logan said seriously.

Maggie nodded at that before shakily getting to her feet, it took a moment for her to regain her balance and Pastor Andrew hurried forward to take her arm to help her.

"Maggie, I am so sorry for your loss." Pastor Andrew said gently as they walked out.

"Where is Oliver?" She managed to ask him.

"He and Ally got married and then left town." Pastor Andrew explained to her, "Once I get you to Carter, I'm going to ride out to tell your Grandmother." He added seriously.

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