Chapter 15

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"You should marry the deputy." Marco told her as he handed her the clean dishes to dry.

"Oh? Why is that?" She asked him.

"Logan lets you have a voice." He explained. "I know you are stubborn, but I also know that your brothers are rather controlling." He added.

"They can be pretty controlling, but I've managed to handle it." Maggie explained to him. "Although I will admit that I do like that Logan doesn't try control me." She added.

"He's a good man, I know he's delt with our feud since we were children, and he never did pick sides." Marco said with a chuckle. "Oliver decked me once when we were in school, for no reason, and Logan returned the favour before apologising to me." He added.

Maggie smiled slightly at that, "It's hard to picture you men as children." She admitted.

"We had an argument when you and Ally were born. We all got into a brawl over which sister would turn out more pretty." He explained to her.

"Well, I guess the Morelli's won that round. Ally is so pretty and carefree." Maggie said simply as she moved to place the dishes back where they go.

"I think it's a tie." Marco remarked at that and she looked at him in surprise.

"Well, thank you." Maggie said as her face grew red.

"Maggie." Derek walked into the house as if it were his. "Oh. Morning Morelli." He said with a slight glower at the sight of Marco.

"Satori. Good morning to you too." Marco said politely in return.

"I brought your books, Maggie, and a spare change of clothes. Clara will bring around your new dress when she gets a chance." Derek explained to her.

"Thanks Derek." Maggie said with a smile.

"What's the Morelli doing here?" He asked her.

"Marco had breakfast with Pastor Andrew, Logan and I." She explained even as he frowned in disapproval. "Marco is a friend, Derek." Maggie told him.

"Well that is your choice." Derek said in annoyance. "Just don't marry one of them." He told her.

"I will marry who God wants me to marry, if that ends up being a Morelli, then obviously they aren't horrible people." Maggie said simply. "And you will just have to put up with it." She added.

Derek rolled his brown eyes at that, "A half Morelli-half Satori brat is not a mutation that we need." He told her.

Maggie stormed up to him, "Apologise now! Derek Satori." She snapped in horror.

"I apologise." He muttered at that. "I'll see you at the dance." He told her as he whirled and walked out.

Maggie exhaled in frustration. "Honestly, the Satori men are infuriating." She muttered in annoyance.

"Change isn't easy." Marco remarked to her as he walked past. "I'll see you later Maggie." He told her as he moved to the doorway.

"Have a good day Marco, thank you for cleaning up." She told him even as she watched him pause in the doorway.

"Not a problem Maggie, maybe you could save me a dance for later?" Marco asked her.

She smiled slightly at that. "I would love to." She said simply.

He nodded once before stepping out and she turned to grab her books before she walked back into Logan's room.

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