Chapter 8

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"That smells nice." Derek remarked as he wondered into the kitchen.

"I thought you were at work?" She said in surprise as she shifted the cookies into a basket.

"Henderson gave me the day off. I went to stop in on Ollie, but he wasn't at work." Derek explained as he moved around to grab a cookie. "I thought he would be home but he's not here either." He added.

Maggie frowned at that, Oliver never missed work, and he certainly wasn't home.

"What's that face about?" Derek asked her around a mouthful of cookie.

"Oh, it's nothing." Maggie said quickly, "Since your home, can you hitch up the buggy to take me to town?" She asked him.

"I was wanting to go fishing, but sure thing." Derek answered with a smirk.

"Oh no, its fine then." Maggie said quickly, "I can walk to town." She added.

"Are you sure?" He asked as he walked towards the door.

"I shall see you later. I need to pick up a dress from Clara's shop." Maggie told him.

"Did you need a dress altered?" Derek asked at that.

"Yes, I outgrew my old one so Clara had to add some material to the hem." Maggie explained with a smirk.

He frowned slightly at that, "The one that you had two years ago?" He questioned.

"Yes, that one." Maggie explained as she lifted the basket.

"Buy yourself a new one." He told her as he shifted to reach into his pocket to pull out his wallet.

"I spent all my money on books." Maggie said as she shook her head.

"Just buy a new one." He pressed the money into her hand, "Hopefully Clara can make one in two days." He said over his shoulder as he walked off.

"Thank you!" Maggie called out after him before moving to put her shoes on, eager to walk to town even if it was the hottest part of the day.

"Maggie!" A voice halted her on the hill, and she turned to see Judah approaching.

"Judah, how are you?" She asked him with a smile.

"I am just fine, how are you?" He answered as he fell into step beside her.

"I'm tired and a bit over this heat." She admitted even as she shifted to offer him a cookie.

"Thank you." Judah said as he took the cookie, "Where is Ally? I thought she was spending the day with you?" He asked her.

Maggie frowned at that, "I haven't seen her?" She told him in surprise.

"I knew she was lying." Judah muttered at that.

"Oliver is not at work either." Maggie remarked in realisation. "I'll stop by and see if Logan knows where they are at." She said with a sigh.

"And how are you and the Deputy going?" Judah asked with a slight smirk.

"We are just getting to know each other." Maggie answered him.

"Is it still alright for me to take you to the dance?" Judah paused on the spot.

"Why wouldn't it be?" Maggie asked in confusion as she stopped with him.

"Logan is a good man; I don't want to overstep." He admitted.

"Oh, so Logan owns me now?" Maggie scoffed at that. "If you don't believe me that its fine, please, ask Logan yourself." She continued walking at that.

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