"Professor my name is Harry Kaneki no longer Potter please address me as such." Harry said as he left the classroom leaving a slightly stunned Professor.

Harry told Daphne and Tracy were he was going and they nodded but Harry asked if they knew which way it was to the office.

Daphne rolled her eyes and took his hand telling Tracy she would meet her at Charms.

But Tracy was going to take the opportunity to tease them a bit.

"I better not see you snogging in a broom closet instead of taking him to headmasters." Tracy said as Daphne blushed and glared at the leaving figure of Tracy.

"Let's go Harry." Daphne said and he nodded.

"What's snogging?" Harry asked but Daphne never answered.

She led him to the Headmasters office and the portrait opened up and they both walked in to see Dumbledore and Jessica.

"Ahh Mr. Potter good of you to join us please sit Miss Greengrass you are excused to leave." Dumbledore said but Harry grabbed her hand stopping her.

"If it's alright I'd rather she stay here I like her company." Harry said and Dumbledore nodded as another chair appeared and they sat down.

"Mr. Potter I'd think you'd like to meet your sister Jessica Potter." Dumbledore said as he pointed to his sister.

Harry turned to Jessica with his eyes widened momentarily before going back to normal.

"Why haven't I met her until now?" Harry asked as he looked at Dumbledore who shifted in his seat.

"I took her to be raised by me while putting you on the Dursleys doorstep it was for the best she had to be trained." Dumbledore said as he felt Harry's glare on him even with one eye covered it was still intimidating.

"Your the one who left me there?" Harry asked his voice dangerously low as his glare intensified on Dumbledore making him shift uncomfortably in his seat.

"My boy please calm down I had to seperate you from your sister so she wouldn't get distracted by you." Dumbledore said and regretted it.

Harry stood up from the chair slamming his fist on the table.

"DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT THEY DID TO ME?!" Harry exclaimed and and slammed his fist again this time breaking the table.

"Please Mr. Potter calm down." Albus said moving back while Harry shoved the the broken table apart.

"It's Mr. Kaneki to you Harry Potter died on his eleventh birthday!" Harry screamed at him.

For a moment Dumbledore felt genuine fear.

"I WILL DESTROY YOU!!!" Harry screamed at him and was about to let his Kagune free when he felt two people surprised hugged him.

Jessica and Daphne both lost the shock they had and got up and hugged him.

Harry looked at them as he tried to calm down.

"I hate you Dumbledore but my hatred for the Dark Lord only just beats it." Harry said as he turned to leave the room.

Daphne and Jessica followed him while Dumbledore couldn't believe what had happened.

Harry left the office and stopped in place taking out his mask.

He stared down at it and sighed before putting it in his pocket again.

He turned to see Daphne and Jessica going up to him.

"Harry are you ok?" Daphne asked him but instead of getting answered Harry just hugged her.

"Thank you so much for staying with me." Harry whispered and Daphne ignored the blush creeping on her face and hugged him back.

"Harry are you alright though?" Jessica asked him and Harry looked up at her and broke the hug before walking to his sister.

"Do you remember our parents?" Harry asked as he swore she looked like someone.

Jessica smiled a bit and nodded.

"I actually visited them last week and talked to them." Jessica said and Harry's eyes widened.

"T-they are alive?" Harry asked her not wanting to believe her.

"Yes...though they have been in a coma since we were babies." She said and Harry fell to his knees.

'I-I-I-It can't be they were in a coma nononono I-I-I.' Harry's thought were filled with questions before he passed out there.


That's it for this chapter

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