I was lost in and out of consciousness for a long while. They gave me nothing to eat. I awoke once with a blanket on my cold shivering body. I didn't care who came, I only pulled it closer. They didn't want me dead, not yet at least. There was a rattling noise, the door was opened and then closed behind the man who walked in. The tall, well built man wore a simple T-shirt and dark jeans. He walked in with authority, a cold dark presence, as if he sucked the air out of the room. The boss no doubt about it. My eyes felt heavy with each passing second and goosebumps dotted my skin.

The man smirked and sat on the bed. Fuck, he looks like trouble. "I'm Sánchez." He spoke, his voice smooth and cold. His hair was raven black and was tousled neatly. His eyes were a deep steely black. For he was the predator. His sharp face was neatly shaven, and when he spoke, the corner of his mouth lifted and revealed a hint of a dimple. There was something sinister about him, this was a man who wasn't afraid to die.

"Am I supposed to know that name?" I said hoarsely forgoing asking him if he was the boss.

He chuckled, a sound that sent shivers down my spine. He ran a hand through his hair, revealing his heavily tattooed arms. The two metal tags he wore around his neck swung gently with the motion. "No, but you will." He assured. I narrowed my eyes at him. "And you have me here because.."

"Because Ace Hernandez killed my brother." He said, his eyes darkening. Fuck. I knew it was fucking Ace. "Well shit, he probably deserved it." I shook my head unable to control what came out of my mouth. Sánchez breathed sharply and walked over to me. He knelt down and grabbed my face roughly. I couldn't protest for my wrists were still bound."You're just as bad." He growled lowly. I twisted my face free from his grip. He stood up and pressed his boot onto my wound. Slowly. Painfully.

"Fuck you bitch!" I gritted, throwing my head back. The pain was unbearable. He pushed his boot deeper into my leg and I flinched, pulling at the chains. He chuckled darkly. "I think I might keep you a while. We'll have some fun."

Fuck you bitch.

I grunted when he finally removed his boot from my wound. It was bleeding immensely again, a thick pool was now forming. I could feel myself getting drowsy. "You picked the wrong woman. I will fucking kill you." I panted, my breaths uneven and shallow.

He chuckled deeply. He was fucking insane. "What do I have to do for you to let me go?" I asked through tear stained eyes. I can't cry. Not yet. He crossed his arms as he looked down at me. "You are the right woman. To hurt him, I'll hurt you." He smiled, licking his lips. Oh fuck. I am his weakness. I needed to get out of here.

I pressed my hands down onto my wound in attempts to slow down the bleeding. I whimpered in pain as my own blood soaked my hands. He squatted down beside me and looked at me silently. "What the fuck are you staring at?" I growled. Fucking bitch.

"I'm just thinking about all the fun we could have. Shall I start by cutting off your hair?" He grinned manically while twirling a strand of my hair around his finger. "I wanted to cut it anyway." I mustered up a smirk as I stared at him. He chuckled at that and then dropped my hair. "Ah then perhaps..perhaps I would like to know what the Italian mafia Don feels like. I bet you're tight." He grinned once more, his dimple showing.

"You'll never know you sick fuck. Do you know how many men I've killed who said those same words? And I'm going kill you too." I growled. I could feel myself getting weaker by the minute. He chuckled once more. "I must say, I like you. You don't pretend to be innocent like most criminals. That is what you are after all. Nothing but a lowly criminal living a pitiful life at the misery of others. It's a shame you married that man because maybe, you could have been mine."

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