Extreme Rules...

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You know when you have that feeling in your stomach like your heart droped down into there? Well I have that feeling right now.

I am going into my very first Extreme Rules match and I am quite nervous. What if I get injured??

No matter, I will walk out or limp out, or be carried out with the Diva's championship tonight.

After I finished getting my shirt on, I walked out of my changing room, in my ring gear. *picture above*

Jon looked up, and saw me walk out with my boots in hand. But as I walked over and sat next to Jon on the couch, I noticed he was staring at me.

"What, do I have something on my face??"- Lelani

"No. No. I was just looking at the view."- Jon

I punched his arm as we both laughed at his cheekiness.

"Your such a flirt."- Lelani

"Yep. That's me."- Jon

Both him and I chuckled.

"Where is Joe and Colby?"- Lelani

"They decided to head up to the stairs because their match is coming up soon."- Jon

"Oh okay."- Lelani

"When's your match?"- Jon

"Mine is the last match before Triple H and Brock Lesnar wrestle in the steal cage for the main event."- Lelani

He looked at me with a shocked yet happy look.

"Really?!"- Jon

I nodded my head while smiling. He hugged me tight.

"That's so exciting babygirl!!"- Jon

Being in the last match before a main event is a big deal for us because the Diva's have never been in the main event before. So this is a big thing because this might be the closest thing to being in a main event for us Diva's.

"But are you nervous?"- Jon

"Umm... A little bit."- Lelani

"Hey, you got this. Okay? I know that we won't be at ringside for your match, but just know that if you get hurt and can't continue, we will be at ringside as quick as possible."- Jon

"Thank you."- Lelani

Jon pulled me to his side as we started to watch the paper view.

It was the third match, and it was time for Joe and Colby to go out.

*Time Skip To The End Of The Match*

Joe ran and speared Kane into the mat after Colby frogsplashed Daniel Bryon to the mat.


"Here are your winners, and ths new WWE Tag Team champions! Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns!!"- Lillian

Our music could started to play as the crowd cheered them on. We cheered for them in our lockeroom as the new tag team chanpions embraced each other.

A few minutes later, the boys walked into the room, and we all cheered again.

I embraced Joe as Jon embraced Colby.

"Congrates guys!"- Lelani

"Thanks. Man it feels good to be champions!"- Colby

After a few minutes, Joe and Colby left to go get cleaned up, while Jon finished getting ready for his match.

We told him good luck before he left to go towards the same direction that the boys went to.

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