Chapter 11...

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Her Outfit above^^^^^^^^

The night after Wrestlemania is always an exciting night. But tonight is an even bigger night. Because we have a promo, then Dean and I have matches. But not going to lie, I am sore after what happened last night. But it is worth it. 

For my match, I am fighting Tamina, while Dean Ambrose will being fighting Wade Barrett. But do you think our night will end there? NOPE! You see, we had told each other that we wanted to go after championships. And of course, we are going to go through with it. Currently, Team Hell No are the Tag Team champions, and Aj Lee being the Diva's champion. Now, Dean hasn't decided if he wanted to go after the Intercontinental championship, or the United States championship. But whatever championship he decides to go after will be awesome.

Our music hit, and we walked out together. We walked down the stairs, then jumped over the barricade.

We were all handed microphones, and we entered the ring.

"We may look terrible, but we feel great! Everyone doubted us. But we proved to every single one of you that we are the Shield, and we do not back down. We said that we were touchable, we said that we were unbeatable, and yet, you still didn't believe. Well, do you believe now?"- Dean

"For the last few months, we have dominated. We have taken WWE by the horns, and made it our yard. And now that we have dealt with Punk, and our Wrestlemania opponents, we are ready to take the next step."- Roman 

"We made it to the top, and now the only way to secure our legacy, is to have gold around our waists. And we will go through anyone who steps in our way of getting the gold that WE deserve."- Seth

"That's right. Roman and Seth will be your tag team champions, Lelani will be your Diva's champion, and I, Dean Ambrose will be your United States champion."- Dean

"I mean, we are already unstoppable. But when we have gold on us, we will be untouchable once we have championships. Right now, no one believes in us. Everyone thinks that we are some sort of joke. Do you want to know is a joke? Kofi Kingston, Aj Lee, Team Hell No. They are the jokes. I mean, do you really want a physio who can't figure out who she wants to cling onto as the face of the Diva's division? Or how about a man who said he was from Jamaica, but then his accent changed to an American Accent, and now he says he's from Africa? He's your United States champion, yet he can't figure out if he wants to be American, or African or any other culture! Or what about Team Hell No. They can't stand the side of each other, so why have them as tag team champions? But after we take those belts from them, you will all be forced to believe in the Shield. "- Lelani

"Believe that!"- Roman

We put our fists together, but Tamina came out. The boys got out of the ring, and a ref came in. Dean went to commentary, while Roman and Seth stayed at ringside. The bell rung, and both Tamina and I circled each other.

We locked up, and kept circling around. But Tamina had enough, and she went to hit me, but I ducked her hit, and gave her an enzuigiri. I went for the pin, but she kicked out at two. So I went for one of the moves I used on Katelyn last night, and that was put my knee in the middle of her back, and pull her arms back. She screamed in pain, but was somehow able to slip away.  

She stood to her feet, and I hit her with a drop kick. She rolled to the side of the ring, so I rolled out as well, and hit her with a drive-by. She rolled back into the ring, and I slid back in. I went for a Samoan Drop, but she slipped out of it, and gave me a super kick. 

That knocked me out, and Tamina pinned me. However, the ref only got to two, when he stopped the count. Tamina looked at him, and noticed my foot was on the bottom rope. Tamina was mad, but Roman walked away snickering. Roman had placed my foot on the bottom rope, in order to save me.

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