Chapter 18...

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This chapter will be at the end of 2013. The reason for this is because I don't want to bore you guys to death with meaningless chapters. So I guess tecnicly, Dean and Lelani already had their second date.

This chapter will take place when Rowdy Piper had his Piper's Pit and the shield was their guests. I'm also gonna make Hot Rod act like a total jerk towards Lelani. I wasn't really a big fan of him. If your a fan of him, and I offened you, I am sorry!!


To say 2013 was the best year for the shield is an understatement. I mean yeah, we had great matches. Like the four of us all became champions, but Roman and Seth all lost their titles while Dean and I kept ours. I felt guilty because we were the only ones who were champions. But, Seth and Roman reassured me that it was fine. I mean, after all, it wasn't me who costed them the tag team championships.

On the night that Seth and Roman were defending their tag team championships, CM Punk showed up on the titantron, and he was in our undisclosed location. Seth was distracted, and that gave Jimmy Uso time to super kick Seth, tag in Jey, fly off the top turnbuckle, and jump onto Seth, pinning him, and winning the tag team championships. I mean, it wasn't a total loss because the titles went to my cousins, but still, it sucks. 

So, because of that, we have had problems with CM Punk. Seth and Dean have tried to put Punk away multiple times. But everytime they have fought Punk, they've come up short. So, Roman took a shot at Punk, and he was able to win. However, with that loss on his record, it has made him want to beat every member of the Shield. Now, he has tried to beat Roman not once, but twice, and he has failed. So now he wants to fight me tonight. If all it takes is for me to put Punk away, then I guess I'll fight Punk.

But that's not all. Tonight, It's Old School Monday Night Raw, and we  get to be a part of Piper's pit. I guess it will be cool, but I just don't want to talk to Roddy Piper. Not that I disrespect the man, I respect him. But he has a tendency to get under people's skin, and with my match against Punk being tonight, I know that he will try and get under my skin.

I sat cross-legged on some crates that were next to our locker room as I waited for the boys to come out. And as I waited, Punk came up to me with a grin on his face.

"Well. Well. Well. If it isn't the weakest member of the Shield."- Punk

"And if it isn't the man that thinks he is somebody impressive when he really isn't. Look Punk, you don't scare me. I have faced people who has said way worse than you have. And for the record, you went out of style when you lost the championship, and Paul Heyman."- Lelani

He smirked, but you can tell he was not happy.

"Don't worry sweetheart. You won't be the only shield member that has lost to the greatest in the world. I will imagine that beating you will be almost as easy as beating your boy Dean Ambrose."- Punk

I clenched my jaw as he mentioned his so-called win against Jon. I stood up so that him and I stood face to face. I was shorter than him, but I could still look into his eyes.

I went to say something, but he beat me to it.

"Your weak Lelani. You know why? Because of what HE did to you. You thought you could just take all that pain that he caused and use it to wrestle, but you can't because your just too weak. That's why your a part of the shield. They feel sorry for you. Ans you thought that if you put yourself in a team, it would be easier for you, and you can have someone else fight the battles for you."- Punk

My eyes widened. How did he know about my ex?!

I heard the door close, but we didn't take our eyes off each other.

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