Chapter 48...

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With Summerslam being just a week away, it's getting more and more chaotic. First off, Seth Rollins will fight John Cena, but it will be for the WWE World Heavyweight championship, AND the United States championship. The way this came about, was Seth Rollins was talking about how great of a champion he his, all because John Stewart said that Seth Rollins is THE MAN! That man just makes me sick! I mean, just because he is the host of Summerslam, he thinks he has all of this authority, and he thinks he is better than everyone that walks in his line of sight. 

On Smackdown last week, Becky fought Dj, then after that, Alicia fought Tamina. Becky won her match, while Tamina won her match. 

Now tonight, I will participate in a fatal four way match tonight. I will fight Nikki Bella, Naomi, and Malia. So kind of like a leader vs. leader kind of thing.

We sat in the back talking, when John Stewart came up to us. Sadly, he would be here on Monday Night Raw tonight. 

"Ladies, may I just say good luck on your match at Summerslam, and good luck tonight on your match tonight Lelani."- Stewart

I looked at the girls, and they had the same look I did. I got off the crate I was on, and stood in front of Stewart. 

"I don't need luck. Especially if it's coming from you, you weasel. So do us all a favor. Go back to whatever hole you crawled out of, and stay there, and let the professionals do their jobs."- Lelani

He backed away, then eventually walked away. I'm telling you, I do not like him.

. . . 

Not only was there my match, but there was this weird tag team match that consisted of Dean, Roman, Randy, Sheamus, Bray, and Luke. 

In the back, Bray and Luke were talking in the back. And of course, they are speaking in riddles. But, Sheamus came into view, and he laughed when Bray and Luke started laughing. They may be different people, but they have the same thing in mind. Inflicting pain on Roman, Randy, and Dean.

Now with Roman and Dean, they were coming up with a plan, and Dean started getting a little to riled up. Randy came into view, and he thought Dean was just being weird, but he told them that he doesn't care who picks up the win tonight, just as long as he gets his hands on Sheamus. 

The boys agreed, and Randy left the boys to collect his thoughts.

. . . 

My match was on, and let me tell you, it is harder than you think. All four of us want to win this match. It is the best diva's against each other, and we all want to prove something. 

Currently, I was in the ring with Nikki, and we were going back and forth. Exchanging blow after blow, kick after kick. I ended up giving her an enzuigiri, which knocked her back, and away. I went to the corner, but as I was getting ready for one of my moves, the lights went out. 

When the lights came back on, Leona was standing in front of me. I was shocked, but I went after her. I started punching her, and she started punching me. We ended up taking it to the outside of the ring. I think the bell rung, I'm not so sure because I was too busy trying to get rid of Leona.

We ended up fighting on top of the stage. When I finally gained some sort of distance, I speared her, knocking her down, and out. I was yelling at her, not knowing that Becky and Charlotte were next to me.

"You okay?"- Charlotte

I turned to Charlotte, and nodded. Both girls took me to the back, just before the boys match.

. . . 

After the promo's, things felt tense. When the match finally happened, it wasn't just a match, it was a brawl. All six men had problems with one another, and they wanted nothing more than to just beat the crap out of one another. 

But the boys kept their promise, and saved Sheamus for Randy. However, with Randy being so stubborn, Randy wanted NO help from Dean or Roman when it came to Sheamus. He was stuck in his ways that he wanted Sheamus to suffer.

But, Dean being the lunatic, and him being less patient, he ended up tagging himself in, while Sheamus tagged in Luke Harper. They fought back and forth, and both men were close to winning the match, but either they kicked out, or someone stopped the pin from happening.

At one point, Dean went to tag in Roman or Randy, but they were both pulled from the apron, leaving Dean all by himself. He was irritated, and that made him turn around, and started attacking Harper once again. 

And this time, he gave Harper a taste of his own medicine, by knocking his partners off his side of the apron. Harper had no one, and this is what Dean wanted. So, with a few more punches, and kicks, and finally a Dirty Deeds, Dean pinned Harper, and won the match. 

Dean yelled, and just as Dean got up, he saw Bray and Sheamus running in the ring. Dean rolled out, and got away, standing next to Roman and Randy who just now got back up to their feet. 

The three men who were victorious laughed, and backed away, leaving the other three men who just lost yell in anger. All that mattered now, is beating the Wyatt's and Sheamus at Summerslam, and hopefully put all of whatever is going on, behind them.


Chapter 48 is now done!!

I want to thank you guys so much for being patient with me. Right now, I am at the very last couple days of school, and honestly they cannot get here QUICK ENOUGH! So thank you for being patient, and thank you for all the love.

Now... The Question...

Who would you like to see make an appearence in the book, and who would you like to see make a return??

With love,


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