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Hello! It has been a while, but I wanted to go ahead and ask a question!!

So we all know that Vince McMahon owns WWE. And we also know that he is getting up in age, and we don't know how much longer he able to own the company.

But what I was thinking, was have a paper view or something like that, where its kind of like a Survivor Series, but whoever gets the most wins, that person gets the company.

I know, sounds confusing, but let me explain.

I think Triple H should take over the company, along with his wife.

So let's say that The Bloodline wants Triple H to take over the company, well all of them would have to win their matches if Triple H has a chance of winning.

So if by the end of the night, Team Triple H has the most wins, well, he gets the company. And vise versa with Vince.

But another idea would be that legends would be involved. Like being general Managers, making special appearances, special guest referees you name it.

And of course, AEW will be involved. Maybe that's why NxT got involved in Survivor Series back in 2019. Hmmm? Maybe? Because Triple H wants the company??

But what do you think? Because I think having Triple H taking over WWE would be freaking awesome. Plus, old school matches!

Let me know what you think!!

With love,

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