Royal Rumble...

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Yes. I know who wins. But I don't know what number he came out in, but basically, I am gonna make this my way.

*Roman's P.O.V*

Tonight's the night. Tonight we will officially start the road to WrestleMania. If I want to main event WrestleMania, I have to outlast 29 other men. Including my brother Dean Ambrose. But to be honest, I would be more hyped if Lelani were here. 2014 has been one hard year. We as the Shield went from being the dominant faction everyone feared, to having a cancer, and that said cancer spreading, and taking over. At first, it stung because a family has become divided, it really stung because Lelani got hurt, and has to miss out on seven months of her career. I miss her. I miss her being with Dean and I. But over time, it went from stinging, to pure anger, to actually enjoying being a singles competitor. It's nice being on your own, and not have to constantly worry about whether or not your partners are going to pull their own weight, or if they are going to hurt. But tonight, I will submit my legacy, and win the Royal Rumble. Nit just for myself, but for Lelani as well.

But I guess 2014 wasn't such a flop. Both Dean and I got to go out on our own, and become our own characters. Dean went on to become that lunatic he was starting to turn into. His main goal was to improve his in ring skills, and to beat the living crap out of Seth Rollins. I enjoyed seeing my brother attack Seth at every opportunity he got. And with me, well, I just continued on my path of destruction. My goal was to win the heavyweight title. I didn't get to that goal as quickly as I wanted, but if I win tonight, then I will be one step closer to fulfilling my goal.

Dean and I hung out back before the rumble. Both Dean and I want to win the Rumble, but if it cokes down to me and him, it's every man for themselves.

We watched all the matches. Malia won her match. Tonight she was fighting Stephanie McMahon. Both Malia and Randy made the right choice by leaving the Authority. Or else I would have gotten my hands on that viper, and he would have been history. But when Malia won, she gave an RKO to Stephanie, and won the match. 

The Bella Twins won their match. They went up against Aj Lee and Natalya. The Uso's also won their match. After they won, they celebrated with some of the fans. They even yelled into the camera that they miss Lelani, and they hope that she get's better soon.  The both of us continued to watch the show. Coming to join us, was Jimmy and Jey. We all laughed, and we were all having a great time. When it was time, we left so we could get prepared for the rumble. Dean and I talked, and stretched backstage while we waited for our numbers to be called.

*Nikki's P.O.V*

After we got dressed, we were waiting for that call. She is supposed to be calling any minute now.

As soon I thought that, my phone dinged. She's here!!

I got the attention of Brie, and We left the lockeroom, and walked towards the parking lot. 2014 was one heck of a year. From winning the Diva's championship, to betraying my sister, to reuniting with my sister, and running the Diva's division with her. But as much as I enjoyed all of that, I missed Lelani, and Brie has too. She was fun to be around in the lockeroom, and not having her there felt weird, and quiet. As we continued in the parking lot, there we seen her.

"LELANI!"- Twins

We ran and hugged our girl. We may be heals on tv, but we're complete opposite in real life.

We quickly and quietly got her in the building. As we made our way around, we were stopped, and Lelani got some welcome backs, and a ton of hugs. She even got a hug and welcome back from Linda. 

We finally made it to our locker room without the four main wrestlers who miss Lelani spotting us. Just as we sat down, the Royal Rumble started.

The first two that started the match were The Miz and Daniel Bryan.

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