Chapter 2...

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Tonight on Raw, the four of us are going to go out into the ring, and explain ourselves. I mean, it's only fair that the universe knows why we attacked four people last night.

 I mean, it's only fair that the universe knows why we attacked four people last night

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*This is what she is wearing. But she won't be wearing the mask*

We stood backstage waiting for our music to hit. A mother and her young daughter walked by, she smiled, and gave me a little wave. I broke character, and smiled back, while also giving her a tiny wave of my own. But as soon as they were out of sight, I got back into character. I'll admit, I'm a little nervous going out there. But if I can go out, and attack two diva's, and almost everyone doesn't know who I am, then I can go out there tonight, and give a promo.

When our music hit, I felt a hand on mine. I looked to see that it was Dean. He gave me a cheeky smile, in which I returned. He motioned for me to go first, and so I did. I walked out into the crowd, with Dean behind me. I looked to my right, and saw that Roman and Seth were in their spots as well. I made the first move, and started walking down the stairs, with Dean trailing behind, and Roman and Seth doing the same. 

We jumped over the barricade, and the boys grabbed mic's, while I didn't. We stepped into the ring, and we stood side-by-side, with Dean in the middle, Seth on his left, me on his right, and Roman on my right. The crowd was a mix of cheers, and boo's. Much like last night, but we didn't care. We stood in the ring, with our heads held high, with the three out of the four of us with smiles. (Roman didn't have a smile)

"Seth Rollins."- Seth

"Roman Reigns. Lelani Reigns."- Roman

"Dean Ambrose, and we are the four pillars of excellence. For the last year, you've allowed injustice to corrupt the WWE. The thing around here was "people power" yet you let ones like Natalya screw people out of championship matches!"- Dean

"You let this continue, yet, no one wants to do anything about it. So we took measures into our own hands, and we brought justice back to WWE."- Seth 

"No one can stop us, no one can touch us, and most importantly, no one can brake us. We are a symbol of excellence, and no one can take that away from us!"- Dean

"Believe tha-

Roman was interrupted by Natalya's music playing. She walked out, and grabbed a mic, and stood by the time-keepers area. 

"You say you stand for justice, yet all I see is four beaten puppies with their tails between their legs who attacked four innocent people last night!"- Natalya

I grabbed my brother's mic, and walked over, leaning on the ropes.

"Innocent? You think that YOUR innocent after what you did to Malia? Let me explain something to you Nattie. You attacked Malia because you weren't in the title picture. You got so upset that you had to take her out. You played a childish game, and got away with it. I only came out last night to prevent you from winning the championship that you do not deserve. And as for Cena and Ryback, well, no one wanted them to be champion anyways, so the boys sparred them the hate they were going to receive."- Lelani

"I am innocent! I did what my family would have done, and that is take advantage of EVERY opportunity. In fact, I can do it again right now, when I beat you right here right now on Monday Night Raw in your debut match."- Natalya

The boys and I started laughing.

"Oh Nattie, your funny. I tell you what. You got your match. But don't be a sore loser when you lose."- Lelani

A ref got out in the ring, while the boys got out of the ring, and surrounded it. The bell rung, and I instantly went after Natalya. I backed her into a corner, and started kicking her repeatedly until I was forced to let up. She rolled to the outside, but still on the apron. So, I rolled out of the ring, ran around, until I got to Natalya's side. I ran and did the the drive-by on her, causing her to go back into the ring. I bumped fists with Seth before crawling back into the ring.

As I was getting back onto my feet, I got socked in the face by Natalya. I stumbled around, but I gained my balance, then I charged at her, and speared her. I didn't cover her, instead, I waited for her to get back up to her feet. When she stood, I ran, and gave her a backstabber, then turned it into the justice isn't free. I applied more and more pressure until she finally tapped out. I let go, and sat up with my knees bent, and my arms over my knees, with a wicked smile. Dean came in, and hugged me around my shoulders, while Seth did the same. I stood to my feet, and was engulfed in a huge bear hug from my brother. 

I looked and saw that Natalya was walking away pouting. I smirked, and made a fake crying face. She got mad, and stomped away. Not before yelling "This isn't over!"


Later on in the night, Dean had a match against Drew McIntyre.

*Bro! I remember when he was there in 2012. He was so different!!*

Roman, Seth, and myself all stood at ringside, surrounding the ring.

When the match started off, Drew went after Dean, but Dean managed to get his head in the game, and started giving Drew a taste of his own medicine. But while he was attacking Drew, Dean went to bounce off the ropes to give Drew a clothesline over the top rope, however, Drew picked Dean up, and tossed him over the top rope, causing him to the hit the ground hard, but I got out of the way before he would land on me.

Drew rolled out of the ring, and picked him up threw him back into the ring, but before he went back inside the squared circle, he smirked at me.

"I'm going to end his winning streak before it even begins!!"- Drew

Roman come walking over to me, and stood by my side. Drew went back into the ring, just to get kicked by Dean.

I have no idea what Vince was thinking when he said that this man would he the "protocol son" and the next BIG champion. Because this dude is way to ignorant.

Dean gave Drew Dirty Deeds and won the match.

"Here is your winner! Dean Ambrose!"- Lillian

We got into the ring, and hugged Dean. Then we put our hands in the middle as our music played throughout the arena.

The Powerhouse's Little Sister (Dean Ambrose x OC) (Book 1)(Complete)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя