50. surprise

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🎵Confidence — Ocean Alley

"Wear the other pants, your ass looks bigger in those!" Lydia chirps from where she's laid on my bed and I roll my eyes.

"Lydia!" I scold. "I'm going to work at Lotus, not become one of the dancers," I mumble, rummaging through my closet, holding my towel around my body. It was 6 p.m. now, and I'm fresh out the shower, wondering what to wear.

I was going to settle for my regular work attire, but Lydia insisted that I dress it up a little since I was going to be bartending at a nightclub instead of a bar.

I didn't know what to expect; I've only ever bartended at a bar and I have no idea what it'll be like at a club. Excitement courses through my veins, though — I'm ready for it.

"Okay, how about this? With my mesh top?" I turn to Lydia, holding a black leather skirt and she grins, giving me a thumbs up.

"See, now we're talking!"

I laugh. Lydia chats with me as I get dressed and straighten my hair. I apply some makeup to look alive.

"Has Harry called you back?" Lydia asks me as I finish applying my red lipstick. I meet her blue eyes in the reflection of my mirror and slightly shake my head.

"We just texted earlier, he said he had a full day today, and he said he'd call me tonight, so I don't know," I say with a shrug, pursing my lips.

"So he doesn't know you'll be bartending at Lotus tonight?" Lydia asks. I shake my head again. I tried telling him yesterday when I called him, but after the commotion on the phone, he didn't get a chance to call me back.

And I don't think telling him that I'll be at Lotus tonight over text would be a good idea. I'd rather have that conversation over the phone, at the very least.

I quickly finish up straightening my hair and grab my purse, making sure I have my keys. Lydia decided to share an Uber with me, since she's headed to meet Jax at the record shop. My knee bounces anxiously as we sit in the back of the car.

"Relax," Lydia says, nudging my knee with hers. "This is nothing new, you're the best bartender in the city. You're gonna have so much fun!" Lydia tries to assure me and I smile at her gratefully.

"Okay, let's talk about something else," Lydia speaks, changing the subject. "So Harry gave you a key to his place, huh? When does he come back?"

"Next Sunday," I reply, playing with my fingers in my lap. Lydia gasps beside me.

"I have an idea! You should totally get naked and wait for him in his apartment!" She squeals and this makes me burst into laughter; Lydia sure as hell succeeded in distracting me, alright. Lydia continues to give me "ideas" on how I should surprise Harry and the conversation has my stomach hurting from laughing so hard. By the time the Uber pulls up to Lotus, all my nerves are gone.

"You're gonna kill it," Lydia grins at me as I step out the Uber. "Call me as soon as you're done, Jax and I will meet you!" She shouts out after me as I wave, watching the car pull off. 

There's isn't a line at the doors, considering that it's only a little before 7. I give my name to the bouncer, who immediately lets me in — Brad must have notified him. I walk in and I gasp; it's been a while since I've been at Lotus, but it never fails to blow me away. The deep purple lights, the pumping music...I shake my head in amazement.

"Ella!" Brad calls from my left and I turn to see him grinning at me as he walks over. He's wearing a navy dress shirt with slacks, only one of his buttons undone. He gives me a quick hug before gesturing for me to follow.

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