36. all i need

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I pull into the property, hurriedly grabbing the bags as I walk through the door. I set them down carefully, then stand there, unable to bring my feet to move further into the villa.

I'm overwhelmed with everything that's just happened at the market, and I don't know what to make of it. I just stand here, frozen in my thoughts.

The way that Elise called me by my mother's name keeps ringing in my ears; I hadn't heard anyone other than myself say her name in years. Seeing people who knew her is too much for me, especially hearing about my father, the man she left this country because of in the first place.

I was told nothing; as far as I knew, it was only my mother and I. She didn't tell me much about her life here in France, so it's all taken me extremely off guard. I'm a bit overwhelmed.

"Babe?" I hear Harry call from down the hall. I hear his footsteps walk towards me.

My heart soars at the sound of his voice, but it's as if my body and brain are disconnected. "You would not believe what I found, there's fresh oranges outside! I squeezed some and I found champagne..."

He suddenly appears in front of me, registering my expression for just a fraction of second before he rushes towards me, concern taken over his features.

"Ella, love, what's wrong?" Harry meets me and his hands cradle my cheeks as he bends down to my level. His moss colored eyes flicker back and forth between my own.

"Ella, did something happen?" Harry asks. Without me even realizing, a tear falls down my cheek, but Harry catches it with his thumb. "Baby, talk to me, what happened?"

"S-She called me...E-Estelle," I choke out. Harry narrows his eyebrows. "And t-then my...my f-f..." I just can't seem to get the word 'father' out, almost as if my lips refuse to say the word.

"Your mum? Who called you that?" Harry asks. "Come, come with me to the sofa, love, and we can talk about it." Harry gently grabs my hand, leading me to the sofa.

He sits down and pats the space beside him, but I curl up into his chest and settle in his lap. The only thing that can comfort me is being in his arms. Harry immediately wraps his arms around me, rocking me as I let out a few more tears.

"Shhh, Ella, you're okay," he whispers against my hair, kissing the side of my head softly. "Talk to me when you're ready, I'm right here."

Harry continues his soothing rocking motion as I try to compose myself. I focus my attention on his breathing and try to match mine to his, which helps calm me. I take a deep breath, ready to speak.

"I bumped into a woman in the market, her name is Elise," I start, still laying my head on his chest. Harry listens intently, stroking my hair. "She called me by my mom's name and said I looked like her...and she figured out who I was. She was asking me all these questions and she showed me an old photo of her and my mom..." I trail off, taking another deep breath before I continue.

"And then she said this man named Henri was looking for me all these years," I say.

"Henri?" Harry asks and I can clearly hear the confusion in his voice. "Wait..."

"My father," I say flatly. "She said my father's been looking for me...her son cut the conversation short, and she gave me her number to call to see if I agreed to go to lunch with her later."

Harry and I are both silent, with him continuing to stroke my hair. He takes a breath before speaking. "You don't have to go at all, Ella, not if you don't want to...we always have a choice, and if you choose to do this, then you go ahead. But if you don't, then that's perfectly fine." He adds on softly, "I support whatever decision you make."

We always have a choice.

Harry always knows just what to say. He's right; we always have a choice, this is in my hands. My heart swells at him saying that he'll support my decision.

I pull myself up to look at him, smiling a bit. Relief takes over his features as he reaches to cradle my cheeks between his large hands. His thumbs caress my cheekbones softly as he smiles back at me.

"How are you feeling...about Henri?" Harry asks me softly, his green eyes flickering back and forth to read mine. I'm silent for a little as I let my thoughts roam.

I'm not sure how I feel about him. I have no idea who he is, what he does, or what he even looks like. He's not my father; not in the sense of being present in my life. All I know is that he hurt my mother and he didn't want us.

Didn't want me.

But, in all sense of the definition, he is my father. Biologically, my blood — that's the only way that he's my father. Elise said he's been looking for me...

"I don't know," I reply quietly. Harry's thumb rubs across my cheeks reassuredly. "I have, well I had, no idea who he was until today...and Elise said he was looking for me..." I trail off again. "I'm not bitter, I know better than anyone life takes you places you'd never expect it...I think I should meet with Elise. At least, just to see what she says...I'd love to hear about my mom."

A smile creeps up on Harry's face as he leans over to kiss my forehead. "You always see the good in things, my golden girl...I think your mum would love that you're here in France and trying to know more about her life. Do you want me to go with you?" He asks as I wrap my hands around his neck. I lean forward to place a soft kiss on his lips but then I sigh as I think of reality.

"I really want you there, but I don't think that'll be best. If you get noticed by anyone and the media—"

Harry cuts me off with a kiss. "Okay, baby. You don't have to explain, whatever you're comfortable with. At least let me drop you?" I smile again with a nod. I think my nerves will be much more at ease with him taking me.

"How'd I get so lucky with you, hm?" I ask.

"I'd say I'm the lucky one, Aurelia," he replies, giving me another kiss.

Harry helps me unpack the bags from the market as I give Elise a call. She's bursting with excitement over the phone when I agree to lunch and tells me the name of the location. She tells me we can meet in an hour.

It didn't hit me that I got back to the villa so long ago — it's already past noon. I didn't realize that my knee was bouncing with all my nerves until Harry gently places his hand on my thigh.

"You know, maybe those fresh mimosas will be good about now, yeah? Liquid courage and all," Harry suggests and I can't help but laugh.

"You forgot what happened last time I had mimosas?" I say and Harry bursts into laughter.

The sound is music to my ears, and does wonders for my nerves. I smile in adoration as I watch his eyes squint, clapping his hands as if I said the funniest thing in the world.

"You're right, let's not, before you go running into cars again," Harry replies, still laughing a little.

"Hey!" I shout, but I laugh along with him.

I don't need liquid courage; this beautiful man who's chuckling to himself as he squeezes oranges in front of me is all I need.

double update! there's another right after this!!

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