14. special

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Lydia is reeling by the time I finish telling her about my night. "No. Fucking. Way. Harry Styles finger fucked you," she says crudely, and I throw a tshirt at her. We're sitting on the floor of my bedroom, looking through my closet to find something for me to wear.

"Lydia! Oh my god!" I screech, my cheeks heating with embarrassment. "You have no freaking filter, I swear!"

She shrugs, holding up a pair of jeans that I frown at and shake my head. She groans quietly, tossing it to the side before she crosses her legs on the floor.

"That's what happened!" Lydia replies. "But all jokes aside...he seems really into you." I turn to look at her.

"You think so?"

Lydia rolls her eyes. "Are you blind, Ella? He came all the way back across the country to see you! And he's about to take you out on a date!" I smile to myself a bit.

It's so crazy how our...relationship? Friendship? Bond? Whatever the term is to describe what's between Harry and I, it's definitely progressed significantly in the past 24 hours.

Just this time yesterday, I was sure I wouldn't ever see him again...and today he's taking me out on a date...after I spent the night with him. It feels like something out of a movie or novel.

I shake off my rambling thoughts. I'm excited — I already missed being around him despite only leaving his apartment just an hour ago. His presence was alluring, addicting.

I pick up a yellow midi dress with skinny straps and hold it out to Lydia, who nods approvingly. Her cellphone suddenly buzzes and she sighs.

"That's my cue, I have a client coming soon for a piece," she says. "Call me later and tell me all about your date!" I wave her off as she leaves, and I hop in the shower.

The anticipation races through me as I get dressed, doing some makeup and tying my hair up. I feel the butterflies rise in my stomach when I hear a soft knock at my apartment door. I grab my purse and I rush to open the front door.

"Hi," I say breathlessly, taking him in.

Harry's wearing a yellow and pink patterned button down, only its open, and he's wearing a plain white tshirt underneath. I love how I can see the birds on his chest when he leans over.

He always so divine, almost as if he isn't real. He's holding a bouquet of sunflowers and a smile creeps up onto my face. How does he always do the littlest things that mean the absolute most to me?

"How did you know?" I ask, feeling my heart race. I wave him in and I grab a vase from the cupboard in the kitchen. I place the beautiful bunch of flowers in the vase before filling it up with water from the sink.

"Your tattoo, of course," Harry teases, flashing me that beautiful smile. "The real question is, are you trying to copy me, Aurelia?" He gestures down to his outfit, then towards mine, and I laugh. We're both matching in yellow.

"We're just so in tune with each other," I tease.

"Fitting, actually, where we're going," he replies, running his hand through his hair with a grin. "You look stunning in yellow." Harry says softly, and I feel the blush creeping up onto my cheeks.

"And you look marvelous in it," I reply with a grin of my own.

Do I see a hint of pink on his cheeks as he looks down?

He's so cute.

"Where are we going, by the way?" I ask as we head towards the door. I lock it behind me and we hop on the elevator. Harry doesn't answer; as the elevator doors shut, he turns to me, a sly smirk on his face. I swallow hard.

He corners me, and crashes his lips to mine. My insides feel like they're melting. My body always seems to crave his touch, his lips, even when I'm not aware of it.

His hands snake around my face as I let his tongue into my mouth, and I savor his minty taste. My fingers wrap in his curls, and too soon, the elevator dings. I jump away from him as he chuckles.

"I've been thinking about kissing you since you left this morning," Harry says. We walk out, but avoid the lobby, instead taking the back exit to avoid any public eyes.

"Well," I say as we walk out the back entrance. "Good thing, cause I've been thinking the same." We walk a little ways down the block to his car.

"Oh, you conceited girl! You also wanted to kiss yourself?" Harry gasps, opening the door for me. My heart twists at the sweet action.

"Harry!" I laugh, and he smiles widely to me before walking around the car and heading to the driver's side. He gets in, and we drive off.

I immediately turn to stare at him; it's only the second time I've sat in his car, but I love to admire him when he drives. His eyes are trained on the road, the music playing too softly for me to decipher the song. His eyelashes are so long, it seems as if they brush his cheeks whenever he blinks.

"See something you like?" Harry suddenly asks, a wide smile on his face as he quickly glances at me.

"Something like that," I reply with a smile of my own.


He runs his hand through his curls, another one of his habits that I've noticed. We turn onto the freeway, and I narrow my eyebrows. We're heading out of the city.

"You're not kidnapping me, are you, Styles?" I ask and he laughs. We drive across the bridge, the sun shining in our eyes, and Harry laughs. It sounds like music. "I'm having deja-vu."

"You've caught onto me, Miss Bardot," he replies just as teasing, and I giggle. "And what, you've been kidnapped before?" I laugh again.

"Only by you," I reply. "When we went to see the full moon." The fact that was only 2 weeks ago has me dumbstruck; I feel like it's been months since I met Harry at the bar.

"I only kidnap you to show you...." Harry trails off, a quizzical look on his face as he struggles to think. "...things that are special." My heart races.

"Special?" I ask. "And why is that?" He toys with his bottom lip with his fingers in thought.

"I don't know." He answers honestly. "You're pretty special, I think..."

I feel the heat on my cheeks again as I look at his expression. He nervously runs his tongue across his bottom lip and fidgets his hand through his hair, keeping his eyes trained on the road.

"Harry," I say softly. He places his green gaze on me for a second before turning back to the road.

"I think you're special, too."

hi loves!

this does seem like a bit of a filler chapter to prep for what's to come, but I'm so excited for the next one! thank you, as always, to those reading my story, it makes my heart swell. please feel free to vote and comment, about anything!


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