44. what are we doing here?

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I open my eyes, sunlight pouring into the room from the window. I stretch, trying to catch my senses, and once I do, I immediately turn around, looking for Harry.

When I turn, he's there. His seafoam colored eyes are open, a small smile on his face once I turn to him.

"Good morning, baby," he says with a smile, reaching to cradle my cheek. I nestle into his large palm.

"How long were you up?" I ask, reaching for him. Harry's eyes seem to twinkle at the action and he pulls me close to him.

"An hour or so...you were talking in your sleep, and I was just listening," he says with a laugh that makes my head shake, as its laid on his chest. "I didn't want to wake you...I do want to know, though, what were you dreaming about?"

I try to retrace my thoughts back into my dreams and when I do, I flush. I immediately feel the heat rise to my cheeks.

"What was I saying?" I ask, hiding my face in his chest. Harry laughs again, trying raise my head up so I'd look at him.

"Someone was having a naughty dream," he teases. "You moaned my name...once or twice."

"Stop!" I gasp as Harry laughs again. He manages to raise my head up and he leans down to kiss me softly.

"You also said you love me," he whispers against my lips.

"You already know that," I reply. I lean forward to kiss him again, deepening the kiss. He hums in appreciation, tugging me on top of him and sitting up. I wrap my legs around his waist as the kiss intensifies, his hands at the back of my neck. Too soon, he pulls away.

"Hey, I wasn't done kissing you!" I say and Harry laughs, making me smile. He pulls me closer to him and we fall back down onto the bed. I'm on his chest and his hands tangle in my hair.

"How are you feeling?" Harry asks, and I know he's asking about last night. "Do you still want us to go? I can have us leave right now, if you'd like." The words pour out of him quicker than I've ever heard him speak.

I place a finger to his lips to shush him, and he playfully bites at it, making me giggle. "I'm feeling better, much better. What, we leave tomorrow, right?" I ask and Harry nods. I grin at him.

I'm feeling much better after Harry and I talked about everything last night, especially with us professing our love to one another. I don't think anything could bring me down from the high I'm on, the high I've been on since falling in love with him. It's our last day here in France and I refuse to let this trip be tainted by what happened last night.

"What's that little smile about, my golden girl?" Harry asks with a raise of his brow.

"We always have a choice," I start and I see pride gleam in Harry's eyes as I utter the phrase that he's been repeating to me lately. "It's our last night and I want to reclaim our trip...I want to end it on my terms and not let what happened define it. It's our first trip together, and our last day here! We have to make the best of it!" I shout out and Harry laughs loudly; I love the sound of his laugh.

"I love you," he suddenly says, a big dimpled smile on his face. I smile back at him, then tug him up off the bed again. My tummy suddenly rumbles and Harry's eyes flicker down then back up at me.

"Well, there's a start," he says with another laugh. "Let's get you something to eat, yeah?"

He pulls me off the bed with him and slightly bends his knees when he stands, a signal for me to get on his back. Everytime he does this, it makes me laugh. I climb onto his back, wrapping my legs around his torso as Harry walks over to the bathroom.

Golden [h.s.]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora