13. brandy

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I wake up to the sunlight, its warm rays drenching across my body as I slowly open my eyes.

My vision adjusts and I raise my head, squinting. I feel the weight of Harry's arm draped across me; I'd almost forgotten that I spent the night at his place.

The memories of last night flash in my head; I blush when I think of his fingers...but then I feel a rush of warmth and my heart swells when I think of the way he comforted me.

I turn to face his direction, setting my gaze on him. His pink lips are parted, his cheek against the pillow. His curls lay messy around his head. I smile at the cute way his body moves as he breathes.

I spent the night in this gorgeous man's bed.

I'm distracted by the faint sound coming from down the hallway.


It's my cellphone!

I gently grab hold of Harry's wrist, slowly moving it off me and rise from the bed as quietly as I can. I quickly walk down the hall and into the guest room that I was in earlier last night. I notice my phone on the nightstand, and I quickly rush to answer it.

"Hello?" I answer breathlessly.

"Ella! I've been calling for hours!" Lydia squeals on the other end and I internally curse. The volume is so loud. I glance at the time.


"Fuck," I say. "I'm—"

"And Brad! Did he do something to you? Do I have to go after this fucker?" Lydia cuts off, and guilt washes over me.

I forgot all about Brad!

I scramble to grab my dress and purse, and I rush down the staircase as Lydia prattles on over the phone.

"No, Lyds, I—"

"It's awfully rude to walk out on someone the morning after," that delicious, raspy voice calls out from behind me. My pulse quickens as I turn around, seeing the man whose arms I spent the night in.

Shit, shit, shit!

Lydia gasps on the phone. "Is that...?"

"Lydia, I — um— I have to go!" I quickly hang up, and look up at Harry, who's leaning over the rail at the top of the stairs. He smirks at me as he descends down the stairs.

"Aurelia," he says, running his hand through his hair. "Didn't we say we were done avoiding each other?" I swallow hard before speaking.

"I didn't wanna wake you," I say truthfully. Harry smiles warmly, coming closer to me. He raises his hand up, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, and my breath hitches.

"Well, then I'm lucky I did wake up," he says softly. "You look beautiful in the mornings..." I feel my cheeks flush.

"Well, it's noon," I blurt out, then immediately want to slap myself. Harry laughs, shaking his head.

"You're right," he laughs again, heading towards his kitchen. "Breakfast?" Harry cocks an eyebrow, pointing to the refrigerator.

I'd like to have him for breakfast...the way his pants sit low on his hips, the way his curls are so disheveled...my eyes look up to his shirtless chest, fully seeing his butterfly tattoo.

Oh, how I would kill to be that tattoo.

Instead, I stammer, "Um, Lydia, she's freaking out, and—" Harry cuts me off with another laugh.

"Don't worry, I get it! I took her by surprise when she heard my voice, didn't I?" He smiles. "I'll have my driver take you home." He puts his hand up to silence me when I start to protest and talk about getting myself an Uber.

"Are you free today?" Harry suddenly asks, and my heart races at his words.

"Are you leading up to asking me on a date, Styles?" I reply with a grin. Harry smiles back at me.

"What, you sleep in a man's bed and you're questioning why he's asking you out?" Harry teases, and I laugh.

"I'm all yours," I reply, and Harry flashes me a dazzling smile. "What do you have in mind?"

"That's for me to know, and for you to find out, Ella...I'll pick you up at 3?" Harry asks. "That'll give you some time to dish out everything to your friend." I laugh again, just as his phone rings and he tells me his driver is outside.

He already knows too much for his own good, doesn't he?

"3 sounds perfect," I smile, laughing quietly. I grab my purse from the island. I'm about to turn to the door when Harry suddenly crosses the room quickly over to me.

He leans in and gives me the softest of kisses; that soft kiss alone is enough to awaken the millions of butterflies in my tummy. He pulls away far too soon, smiling down at me, before letting loose of his hold on me. I turn back to the door, forcing myself, when he speaks again.

"Oh, Aurelia," Harry says. "I've figured out what type of woman you are."

I narrow my eyebrows in confusion.


"You're a Brandy woman."


It clicks in my brain; the conversation we had that first night in the bar. He said I didn't look like a whiskey woman.

"And why's that?" I ask, turning to look at him. He leans against the wall, smirking as he answers. His hands are crossed, and he runs his tongue along his bottom lip.

"Don't get me wrong, Miss Bartender. You're quite spicy like whiskey," he chuckles softly and I nearly choke on air. "But," he continues, "you're far sweeter than whiskey. Very smooth....you definitely taste sweet." Harry smirks and my eyes almost bulge out of my head.

I was not expecting that. He's extra playful and teasing today.

He laughs at my reaction as I hurriedly walk to the door. "Goodbye, Harry!" I call out. He laughs again, and I turn to look over my shoulder at him. He looks at me with this look in his eye, a sweet smile on his face.

"See you in a few hours, you golden girl."

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