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the song fits perfectly for this ending...here we go.

🎵Call Me, I Still Love You — Two Feet

a month and a half later

"It's pouring out there!" Jax shouts as he comes back into the apartment, with Lydia behind him. They've left little puddles in the doorway. The two are soaked from the thunderstorm that's brewing outside and I laugh.

"You guys look like wet dogs," I say with a laugh, shaking my head. Brad suddenly appears behind them, his own hair wet from the rain. The blonde strands fall between his eyes as he breathes hard.

"Hey, you're lucky you got us to help carry all those boxes!" Lydia says, tousling her wet hair with her fingers.

"Yeah, Brad here's just about to pass out," Jax says, pointing his thumb towards Brad who rolls his eyes before giving Jax the finger. He holds up a small package in his hands, waving it at me.

"The doorman downstairs said this came for you, he didn't put it in the mailbox because you returned the key already," Brad says. I narrow my brows, wondering what it is, but I take it from Brad's hands.

"You ready?" Lydia asks me, a smile on her face. She looks more excited than I am. I smile back at her.

"Yeah, there's a box left in my room...I wanna say goodbye to the place," I say with a blush across my cheeks, thinking it sounds silly but my friends only smile.

"You take your time, Ella, we'll be in the truck," Brad replies.

"Yeah, if it isn't towed by now. The fucking U-Haul takes up the whole block," Jax mumbles but Brad just slaps him at the back of his neck and the two tussle around as they exit the apartment.

Lydia rolls her eyes, mouthing, Boys, before she follows after them. I laugh to myself, walking into my bedroom and sighing at the empty space. It looks strange, seeing the room empty like this.

It seems just like yesterday I moved in here, though it was so long ago. There's so many memories in this apartment, but, I need this new fresh start.

I take a seat on the ledge of the window, peering outside at the city I've always loved. The skyscrapers still shine bright with their lights despite the storm. The rain falls against the window and I look down at the cars below me.

This city has been tainted, with memories that I'd rather not think of. I always wanted to come to New York; at least I can say I lived and experienced a chapter of my life here.

Now, it's time for me to leave this behind me, to start a fresh new page in my book.

Curious, I look down at the package in my hands. It doesn't have a return address, it's just addressed to me.

I tear it open; it's a bit difficult, it's so neatly taped. When I finally break through it, however, my hands immediately become sweaty and my heart pounds in my chest.

A CD — no, an album.

My eyes immediately train on his figure, donned in white pants and a pink blouse with his hand on his hip. The baby blue and soft pink colors remind me of cotton candy and I swallow hard.

Fine Line, it's called.

My mind immediately flashes to something he said a while ago. We're walking a fine line.

I grab the CD with shaky fingers to further inspect it, when I see a note is attached to the back. I flip it over to read it.

This is the very first copy of my album, it's only right that it's gifted to you. I don't know if this will reach you before it comes out, I can only hope.

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