46. you said it!

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"Ella, my love, you gotta wake up, we're here," Harry's whispers in my ear as he gently shakes my shoulder. My eyes flutter open to see Harry standing above me, each of his hands carrying our luggage. I raise my head up, looking out the plane window.

It's slightly drizzling, but I see the faint lights of my city in the near distance and this jolts me awake. We're back home!

I raise up quickly and Harry chuckles to himself. I try to grab the suitcases from him but Harry refuses, gesturing for me to walk ahead of him. When we reach the steps, I thank the pilots before descending down.

"Miss Ella!" Tom calls out from the black car. He walks quickly around the hood, despite the slight drizzle, and waves me down.

"Tom!" I shout back with a grin. It's only been a week, but yet it feels like ages since we've last seen him.

"Mr. Styles, how are you?" Tom asks once we descend the last stair. He reaches to help Harry with the luggage but Harry shakes his head.

"I got it! I've been well, and yourself?" Harry replies. Tom opens the trunk and Harry slides the suitcases in.

Tom opens the door for me as he says, "Come in, Miss Ella, before you get sick!" I chuckle to myself but step inside the car, thanking Tom. Harry slides in beside me. I glance at the clock on the dash — 2:20 a.m. No wonder I'm awake; I've gotten used to the timezone in France.

"Well?" Tom says, peering at us through the mirror. He smiles widely. "How was your trip? How was France?"

"Oh, it was stunning!" I gush, smiling back at him. Tom exits out the private airport, driving down the road that leads to the highway. I smile at the familiarity of my surroundings. It feels so good to be back.

"It was so beautiful, I fell in love," I say with another smile.

Harry speaks up from beside me. "Tom, that's not the only thing she fell in love with!" He says with a laugh and Tom gasps loudly. I cover my face in embarassment but I laugh along with them.

"I knew it! I knew you two would say it to each other in France!" He says, clapping his hand on the steering wheel in delight. "I knew it since the first time Miss Ella came in my car!" I throw my head back in laughter at his enthusiasm.

"Congratulations!" Tom says to us both and Harry smiles as he thanks him. We make it onto the freeway and I smile to myself as I lean my head on Harry's shoulder, looking out the window as Tom drives. The highway is still filled with cars at this time, which isn't surprising at all for me. It's such a change from the roads in France, which seem so empty at this time.

I listen to Harry and Tom's conversation as the jet lag begins to hit me and I shut my eyes, just enjoying the sounds of Harry's laugh and the way he wraps his arm around me to make me more comfortable.

I guess I must have fallen asleep because when my eyes open again, we're in front of my apartment. I sit up and narrow my brows.

"I figured you'd want to sleep in your own bed tonight, after a week away from it," Harry says softly, opening the car door. He walks around to the trunk and takes my suitcases out. My heart begins to speed up.

"Wait, are you going to your apartment? Do you have to leave for California right away?" I ask hurriedly. I suddenly remember Harry telling me he'd have to go to California once we got back, and I know it's selfish of me, but I'm not ready as yet for him to leave. We've spent so much time together without worrying about the paparazzi or the rest of the world in France and I'm not ready to come out of our little bubble as yet.

Harry chuckles as he makes his way back to where I'm seated. "Baby, don't worry," he says, cradling my face. "I wouldn't leave right this instant, I wouldn't spring it up on you like that, I'm right here." His thumbs stroke my cheeks softly.

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