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Yuri's POV

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Yuri's POV

Yuta 💔

Yuta: baby I'm coming back to Korea!

Yuri: wait really?

Yuta: yes I'm so excited to see you I'll be back today at 3pm..I can't believe it's be 2 weeks since I've been able to hold you!

Yuri: you know we can't...I'm getting married tomorrow

Yuta: just leave him it's ok!

Yuri: I can be punished absolutely not!
And how did you get out the wedding anyways?

Yuta: that's not important I have to go I'm getting on the plane right now ❤️

My eyes widened at the text and I shoved my phone in my pocket turning back to Yoongi "I think you'd look amazing I'm this dress!" He said making me smile nervously.

Something about Yuta's text made me feel uneasy..maybe I should talk to my mom about it..or maybe Yoongi no no no I can't! I thought to myself.

" to yuri" Yoongi said giggling I laughed and turned towards him looking at the dress in his hands "ooh that is nice!"

I took it and went to the fitting room the lady following behind as Yoongi went to go sit with our parents.

I walked out and spun around as the dress flowed around I looked up and smiled at Yoongi "I think it's beautiful!"

"You look amazing babe.." he said making me blush I turned towards the mirror and he walked up behind me placing a crown on my head "for my princess" he whispered in my ear making me shiver.

I feel so bad being able to fall for him this easy it's only been 2 weeks and I really like him I forgot about Yuta until he texted me and now that he's coming back I have a feeling he's going to bring a bunch of BS with him.

Yoongi kissed my cheek and I turned towards him grabbing his tie and smashing my lips on his lips making our parents gasped as our lips moved against each other.

I pulled away and searched his eyes for any reaction to what I just did and he placed his lips back on mine "well then..." he said trailing slowly away from the kiss.

I guess I needed some validation to if I really wanted him or if he was just a distraction. And that kissed answered it all too well I want him so freaking bad I could rip his clothes off right here.

I shook the thought and cleared my throat "m-mom do you like it?" She smiled sheepishly and chuckled "whatever you like I like sweetie"

I smiled and I turned towards the mirror "I want this one..but first mom can I talk to you?" They all looked at me confused and I pulled her into the changing room with me.

"Uhhh mom I need to tell you something.." I took out my phone and showed her the text on my phone from Yuta my eyes started to well up with tears.

"Mom I really like Yoongi I want to marry him!" I cried and she held me in her chest "but I'm a horrible person I just forgot all about Yuta and now he's going to come back and then what..what if he crashes the wedding mom please help"

She shook her head at me and hugged me "I'm glad you've grown fond of Yoongi truthfully when you were younger you chose Yoongi not me and your father the 2 of you have always just had a close bond but then the Min's moved when you turnt 3 and you forgot about him..don't worry about Yuta honey you know who you belong with"

She wiped my tears picking my phone up again she clicked the red button the read "blocked" under Yuta's name and I sighed standing to my feet going out the room with my mom.

Yoongi walked over to me wrapping his arm around my waist as he stood lazily in the mirror "wow..a real life princess" he teased making me crackle.

He looked at my face and panicked "w-were you crying what happened?" I smiled to him moving his hand from my face "I'm fine now that I'm with you.." I said laying on his chest him wrapping his arms around me.


I woke up excitedly running down the stairs to my parents "today's the day!" I said jumping up and down making my parents laugh.

"Ok ok sit down and eat breakfast first" she said I sat down at the counter in the kitchen and took out my phone to FaceTime Yoongi.

He answered it half sleeping "your already up" he mumbled rubbing his eyes as he smiled happily at me.

"Of course I'm up I could barely even sleep I was up all night thinking about how were about to get married like can you believe that omg!" I said rambling making him laugh.

"Ok your rambling again eat your breakfast" my dad said setting my plate in front of me.

"Ok baby I'm going to hang up I have to get ready" I pouted and shook my head hanging up the phone.

As I was stuffing my face with eggs the doorbell rang my mom opened the food as I looked over and Yuta was standing at the door he pushed past my mom and ran to hug me making me tense up.

"Uhh..hi" I said pushing him off he leaned in to kiss my lips and I dodged him making him frown "Yuta why are you here?

His eyes darkened at my question and I stepped back from him "I came back for you baby.."

I laughed nervously as I stepped back again "I told you I'm getting married Yuta" my dad came and stepped between us.

"I'm going to have to ask you to leave.." he said pushing him backwards towards the door. My mom peeked her head out walking toward Yuta.

"Your parents have been looking for you..they just called they said-"

"Don't say what they said y/n doesn't need to know" I heard him say although he was whispering I walked towards him confused "what happened"

"What'd you do.." I asked and he looked at me as if he was scared "Yuri I-..I did it because I love you I promise that's the only reason why come back to me please!"

He grabbed my shirt pulling me towards the door with him "let me go.." I said trying to pull from his grasp "I said let go!" I said tears rolling down my face.

At this point I was standing in the front yard with Yuta's hands around me as I cried. My dad stepped closer trying to grab me while my mom called someone I couldn't hear from where I was.

For some reason they seemed scared of him like he was some cold blooded murderer they knew something I didn't know for sure.

To be continued...


Designated Lovers| Yoongiजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें