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Yuri's POVI woke up well refreshed and looked over at the alarm clock that read 7:00am "ooh shit!" I said jumping out the bed making Yoongi look at me confused "what's wrong?" He said concerned

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Yuri's POV
I woke up well refreshed and looked over at the alarm clock that read 7:00am "ooh shit!" I said jumping out the bed making Yoongi look at me confused "what's wrong?" He said concerned.

"The competition starts in an hour and I still need to go home to get my performance wear..can you please take me!" I said giving him puppy eyes.

"Fine hurry get dressed" I got dressed and ran down the stairs and saw a lot of the other housemates in the living room and kitchen area.

"Yoongi hurry up I need to go!" I said jumping in my pants he ran down the stairs and headed towards the kitchen "no time for breakfast!" I said pulling him to the door.

He looked at me confused "how are you going to figure skate on an empty stomach?" They all looked at me weirdly.

"What..what's wrong?" I asked confused when Sierra jumped up "omg your a professional ice skater I knew you looked familiar" ahh yes I said pulling Yoongi towards the door.

"Come onnn I need to go!" He sighed and grabbed a banana walking out the door he drove to the house I lived with my parents in and I jumped out the car.

I ran in the house and Yoongi followed "where were you last night young lady!" My father yelled I ignored him and ran upstairs to my room.

Yoongi's POV
"Ahh sorry I probably should have called..she stayed the night at my house last night" her father smiled at me and patted my back.

"Ooh thank you for taking care of her!"
I nodded when I saw Yuri peek down the stairs "Senpai can you help me carry this!"

Her parents smiled at the name she called me and I walked upstairs to her room to help her carry a bunch of beauty products and her costume to the car.

I waved her parents goodbye and she hugged them goodbye then we were off to her competition.


I went into the changing room with her and it was quite annoying being in there with a bunch of college student and some that were old enough to be my mom bothering me.

"Omg that's Yoongi from bts!"
"Oppa can I take a picture with you?"

I sighed and ignored them sitting next to Yuri she had her costume on and her makeup done she put her skates on and she stood up.

"How do I look Senpai?" She asked smiling like a dork "you look beautiful babe-..sorry too soon?" She smiled at me laughing "it's fine I mean we are engaged after all"

I laughed nervously and helped her to the side of the arena where she would go on soon.

I really hope this means she's forgetting about that Yuta guy and starting to look at me as hers I sighed at my thought and the speaker came on.

"And now we have Takahashi Yuri with secret of the swan she is currently in 2nd place overall will she go up or will she go down!"

She smiled and glided onto the rink standing in her beginning pose. As she danced I watched as her body moved smoothly around the ice her hair flowed and she just danced beautiful she was really flexible and I was in awe by the end of the performance.

She came off the rink excitedly jumping "omg I actually pulled off the last spin I was having so much trouble Senpai I think your my lucky charm!" She said hugging me.

I hugged her back and she looked up at me "I'm glad to be your lucky charm" I said laughing as she pulled me to a gigantic board that had advertising on it and hundreds of cameras in front of it.

She sat down on the chair and her coach sat beside her and me on the other end as the speaker came back on.

"Takahashi Yuri scored a 230 leaving her in 1st place for the time being" she jumped up happily and hugged her coach "I did it!"

She turned and hugged me and I picked her up making her wrap her legs at my waist "I did it" she whispered through tears "yes you did it babe!" I said so everyone heard.

I put her down and took her back to the room for her to dress in her regular clothes she did and we left headed back home.


Yuri's POV
I was so excited as I walked into the house jumping around as Yoongi watched amused by my energy.

I opened the door and they all popped up running towards me "we watched you on tv you did amazing" jungkook said happily.

"Thank you kookie!" I said hugging him they all giggled and we went to sit down on the couch to pick a movie.

"Let's watch a horror movie!" Hanna said which is hoseok's wife, yes let's watch horror Daesom said happily she's Jin's wife.

They all agreed finally on a horror movie and I scooted closer to Yoongi I didn't want to kill the mood by telling everyone I was a scaredy-cat so I just didn't say anything.

The movie started and right off the back there was a jump scare I jumped at it and hurried my face in yoongi's chest as he chuckled at me.

They all watched the movie with such awe and I vaguely even looked up. I finally decided to look up and there was a horrible sight before me I tightly squeezed my arms around Yoongi's waist and started crying.

They all looked at me and paused the movie "why are you crying?" Yoongi said confused I looked up at him and he wiped my tears.

"I hate scary movies.." I said making them all laugh "why didn't you say something" Daesom said giggling I sighed and turned towards her wiping the remaining tears on my face "you all wanted to watch it I didn't want to ruin the mood"

They all started laughing again and I looked up at Yoongi confused "we know you hate scary movies we looked you up on your fan pages and it said that we just wanted to see how long you'd last!"

"YAH!" I said crossing my arms over my chest they all chuckled "your all assholes for that" I said in Japanese and they just starred except Daesom she laughed at me.

"You know I understand Japanese right?" I covered my mouth "oops..pretend I said nothing" she laughed and Yoongi pulled me on his lap as I looked up at him.

"What did you say?" He asked curiously I looked around pretending I didn't hear him and Daesom laughed "she said we're all assholes for that"

"Ooh really?" Yoongi said tickling me I squirmed around as he did "ok ok Senpai I'm sorry I'm sorry!" I said laughing.

"Ok!" He said stopping I turned towards them and they weren't paying us any attention "can we watch a comedy?" I asked and they all agreed turning a comedy on instead.


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