Gender reveal

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"Omg my water broke!" We all turned towards Hanna who stood with a puddle of water beneath her

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"Omg my water broke!" We all turned towards Hanna who stood with a puddle of water beneath her. Hoseok jumped up and ran to the door and I followed since we were the only 3 home.

We arrived at the hospital and Hoseok held one side of her while I held the other "it's ok breath in and out" I said to her and she smiled at me.

"Your going to meet your daughter!" I said enthusiastically as Hoseok checked in "..I just want to say before I give birth I'm sorry I was an ass hole and I just want to be friends again please..." I smiled at her holding her so she didn't fall.
"Of course Hanna"

Right then the lady came out bringing Hanna back Hoseok followed and I waited in the lobby calling the others.


After 3 hours of Hanna being in labor the doctor came out and allowed us to go in we opened the door and Hanna laid on the bed holding their daughter while Hoseok sat on the side admiring the 2 girls.

"Hey..." Hanna whispered and we all walked forward to see the baby's face "meet
Jung Hye Seok" I smiled and Yoongi wrapped his arms around my waist.

"What a pretty name!" Jungkook said admiring the baby's face "she looks just like Hoseok.." they hummed in agreement and the doctor walked in.

Visiting hours are over...

I cuddled into Yoongi's chest smelling his scent "baby tomorrow we find out the gender!" I said excitedly making him giggle.

"I know but I already know it's a boy I had a dream about it last night" I looked up at him and I could see his eyes sparkle.

"Let's brainstorm names?" I hummed in response and he thought for a minute.

"If it's a boy I like Hanbin, Soobin, Taemin, or Sangyeon...maybe Yunho?" I laughed at his answer "so many choices they're all adorable what if it's a girl any ideas?"

"If it's a girl...Mina, Minji, Chohee, or Somin...maybe Ara"

"Ooh I really like Ara" he hummed in response "what if it's twins?" My eyes went wide and he chuckled "well I guess we'll find out tomorrow"

I laid back on his chest and he sang softly to me and soon I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up to Yoongi looking at me with loving eyes I smiled and he stroked my hair "good morning princess" I smiled sleepily and he chuckled.

"Are you ready to see our baby today today marks 6 months your tummy's gotten big!" I hummed in response and he pulled me up pushing me out the bed so I could get ready.

"We have an hour to get ready" I shook my head and got dressed brushing my teeth and then my hair making my way downstairs I saw hoseok rocking Hyeseok while Hanna prepared a bottle.

"You ready?" I turned around to see Yoongi and he pulled me in kissing my lips. "Let's go I'm so excited" he said grabbing my hand and pulling me out the door.

The whole ride I could tell Yoongi was nervous as he held my thigh the whole ride there I looked out the window daydreaming until we reached our designated spot.

As soon as we arrived the lady took me back to a room since the hospital was fairly empty I laid on the bed and the doctor came in smiling.

"Are you ready to see them" I shook my head and Yoongi held my hand nervously she spread the substance on my stomach and moved it around as we both looked.

"Oooh it seems you have's a girl and the other is a...boy!" Yoongi squeezed my hand and I looked at him he leaned in kissing me "I can't wait to meet our kids" he said jumping like a little kid.

"I can't wait either!!" After the appointment we decided to go and look for houses we could move into. finding out we are having twins made Yoongi want to move out sooner.

Short chapter because ya girl is lazyyyyy!!
The story will be ending soon <3

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