Life Goes On

74 3 0

3 years later..

I rubbed my stomach as I laid on Yoongi's chest when Misaki and Sangyeon ran in the living room shooting each other with their toys.

When they saw us the put their toys down and jumped onto the couch with us.

"Daddy can we visit uncles today!" Misaki said excitedly Yoongi nodded his head and Sangyeon bounced on the couch.

"Is the furniture a bouncy house!" Yoongi yelled making him pout he stopped and jumped into my arms placing his ear against my stomach.

"When can I met my little sister?" He said listening to my tummy rumble "I heard her!" He said excitedly and I chuckled "no mommy is just hungry" I said sitting up he frowned and I took his hand placing it on my stomach again.

"She's kicking.." Sangyeon giggled and I patted his head standing to go to the kitchen.

"Will I still be your princess when she comes?" Misaki whispered to Yoongi I looked away letting them have there moment and he hummed "of course you will I'll just have 2 princesses now" he said kissing her head.

I smiled and looked down to see Sangyeon waiting beside me "can I have some too!" He said I nodded and handed him a sandwich and he ran to the table.

"Misaki do you want a sandwich?"
"Yes mommy!" She said running over to me I handed her the sandwich and she sat with Sangyeon.

"Babe do you want a sandwich"
"Yes please!" He said wrapping his arms around my waist I chuckled and handed him the sandwich as I took a bite of my own.

"How's Arra doing in there?" He said rubbing my tummy I chuckled eating my sandwich and he smiled "she's happy because she's being fed" he snickered and I sat at the table with them all.

Right when the doorbell rang Yoongi traveled to the door and all the guys came in with there wife and kids.

"Uncle hobi!" Misaki said running to him she hugged Hyeseok right after and I laughed as I greeted them.

"Sangyeon Oppa!" Yebin said running to hug Sangyeon I chuckled and she hugged me after "auntie yuri my dads said I could stay over if you said I could" I chuckled right as Daichi and Jimin came in.

"I guess you could honey" she smiled and ran over to them "dad she said I could stay!" She said happily to Daichi.

"Where's Jungmi?" I asked and she peeked from behind JungKook "I'm behind daddy" she said giggling and Claire tickled her right before she ran into my arms "hi auntie yuri!"

Sierra and Namjoon came in tired holding there son who was being bad as always he kicked his feet and Namjoon put him down and he ran straight into my arms.

"Have you been good for mommy and daddy James?" He nodded and I laughed knowing he was lying and he ran over to hug Yoongi.

Daesom held Jin's hand and they looked around smiling although I could tell they were sad as they just found out they couldn't have kids due to a problem on Jin's end.

I hugged Daesom and she smiled rubbing my stomach "how is Arra holding up in there?" She asks and I smiled weakly "she's doing well.."

She hummed and Jin rubbed her shoulder "we decided to start with adoption we meet our little guy tomorrow morning"

"Omg that's great I can't wait to meet him" Daesom smiled cheekily and I hugged her excitedly.

I sat back down and turned towards Taehyung he never really brought his wife around much as they didn't get along that well all I knew was that her name is Gianna and they do have a son together that I spent a lot of time around since his mother wasn't the best mother figure.

I walked over to Taehyung and he hugged me I bent down to pick up his daughter Haru and she giggled "Auntie Yuri I miss you" I smiled and kissed her cheek "Auntie missed you more!"

I put her down and she ran off to the other kids and I looked back up at Tae and he smiled.

"I have good news...I was assigned a new soulmate with full custody of Haru" my eyes widened and I hugged him "that's great Tae!" He chuckled and I pulled away.

"When can we meet her?" He smiled and I looked to where he was looking at the doorway A pretty girl about his age walked in and I smiled as they hugged.

"This is my wife..Sakura" I shook her hand and she smiled as Haru ran over to her.

"Mommy I miss you!" Everyone looked over surprised and Sakura lifted her into his arms.

"Guys this is my wife Sakura...sorry I told you guys so late but we've been together about a year now" everyone just nodded happy he was in a relationship he felt comfortable in.

"I'm just glad everyone is happy.." I said as Yoongi pulled me onto his lap he kissed me happily and pulled away "me too my love.."


Designated Lovers| YoongiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora