C h a p t e r 1 7

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"Why isn't she waking up?" I kept repeating the same question over and over again the moment I carried Rosaline to my room.

The doctor let out a sigh and repeated the same answer as he did 2 minutes ago, "when her mind and body feels like it. She should be waking up in another hour."

I frown and look back at the girl who was covered up with a cold towel over her forehead. I heard the door shut before I sat down and stare at her. Her eyes were shut covering her sparkling eyes and her rosy cheeks were still pale, no color on them. I grabbed a clean towel, dipping it into the bowl of water then used it to wipe her face and neck. Making sure I didn't tug or harshly pat her skin.

I let out a sigh when no changes were made to her body.

"You make me feel like a clueless boy again, " I mumbled to her as I rubbed her cheeks.

The way she stares at me as she was in my arms earlier, made me feel shy, and mixed feelings. How was I supposed to react?


I turn around and face Jeremy, I quickly look away when our eyes accidentally made contact. Disgusting.


"We found out who was behind this, " he told me.

"Excellent, " I said, standing up and following him out of the door once I made sure Rosaline wasn't going to fall off the bed. I didn't want her to wake up causing a racket when I was dealing with important issues.


"Who was it?"

I asked Jeremy once we arrive at my office and seated now with the door locked. He pulled a file out of his suit and look at it for a bit longer than necessary before handing it to me.

"I-I wasn't expecting them out of all the people to attack us but based on the guys in the basement they confessed that their boss was"

"Those sneaky little Russian lizards!"

I slapped the file down on the desk and glared at the name I never wanted to see ever again.

"Why were they even here? Didn't our warnings threaten them enough to no mess with us!"

I brush my hair back as I let out a long sigh. I stop in front of the desk again and look back at Jeremy.

"What are you doing here, still? Leave."

I pointed at himself. I look at him and nodded my head.

"I thought you wanted me to stay."

"Ish! No-no-no. Just go, " I waved him off with my face scrunched up.

Having him alone with me was starting to get uncomfortable. I watch as she slowly left the room while glancing at me with a raised eyebrow. I fell back onto the chair and rest my head back. Life was too stressful for the short period I am allowed to live. I didn't realize I was just blankly staring at the ceiling until a knock echoed inside the room.

I turn my head to the sigh and click on the button that allows the door to open. In came the doctor which made me instantly get up to my feet and greet him.

"She's didn't accidentally bust her head open? Did she?"

He was taken aback as he stammered to make out a sentence, "i-um. I-well, no. I'm just here to inform you that she has woken up."

I rush past him and speed walk to my room. I heard a commotion the closer I got to the door.

"Why are you not letting me leave?! This is not my room!"

I open the door and saw Rosaline looking ready to strangle one of the maids. The maid was trying her best to keep her calm but Rosaline looks anything but calm. When she saw me standing by the door she got out of bed and look at me with narrow eyes.

"Why am I in this room?"

I led her back to the bed even when she was kicking and screaming at me. I felt my heart slowly stop racing as I took in the life in her eyes and face. The red color on her cheeks that I was beginning to get used to seeing.

She was healthy and good, now.

"You passed out, remember."

She frowned at that, "yes. And I apologize for fainting on you but you could have simply let me rest in my bedroom."

I couldn't speak without confusing myself so I just nodded at her. I mentally frown at myself at the way I react around her. It was starting to get out of control since we left from dinner with my parents.

"Well. I guess you may go back to your room, " I saw relief flash across her face, "but, " she immediately raised her eyes to me, "you must rest. The doctor said your body is still recovering."

"But I just fainted."

"Yes, I know that. But you also had a mild panic attack which overworks your body so you must rest for the rest of the day. Mia, " I gesture to the same maid from earlier, " will assist you if you need anything. Until then, recover fast."

I turn away and left the room, adjusting my tie on the way out. I walk outside of the mansion and went to the garden.

I stare at the moon that was glimmering through the dark sky as I let out a sigh. I heard footsteps and saw one of my friends, Eric, standing next to me.

"You okay?"

I sigh again.

"I don't know. I'm suddenly getting all weird and...sparkly? The longer I hang out with Rosaline. I barely know her but my heart race every time I teased her and see her scolding at me."

I laugh a bit when I remember her yelling at me at dinner with my parents. We were like two children fighting over if Santa Claus was real or not.

I felt him look at me for a bit before drifting his attention back to the moon.

"I think you will soon understand why you are feeling like that, " I could hear the certainty in his voice.

It was my turn to look at him. He was still gazing at the moon as I thought back to what he just said.

"What do you mean by that, " I asked when we both began walking back inside the mansion.

He stops by the door and looks at me with a weird glitch in his eyes. His lips curved into a smile I haven't seen in such a long time. I was shocked by his sudden expression.

"You my friend are starting to fall. Fall real fast and hard."

~*•Author's Note•*~

Christmas is getting closer and closer!

Stay safe y'all.
Make sure to wear your mask, clean your hands, don't touch your face,
and stay 6 feet apart! Or just stay at home!

Don't mind my poor grammar, typo, mistake, and misspelling.

Make sure to VOTE and COMMENT

Until next time

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