C h a p t e r 0 3

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I could have sworn I saw a bunch of tiny fairies swarming around my head.

Their tiny fists banged against my head. Although their hands were tiny they were painful! I wanted to shoo them away but it felt like my arms were held back. Almost like an invisible belt was wrapped around me. The belt was tightly secured over my body, pulling me back down when I try to move or stand up. They laughed at me and watch as I struggled to shoo them away.

Stop it! I wanted to shout at them, but as my body, nothing happened. No words escaped my mouth and their tiny fists continued hitting my head. The pounding in the head was getting stronger. One big fat one, manage to hit hard enough to make me feel dizzy. From the pounding to the extra hard hit it made my vision blurred again and I have swept away into the darkness, again.


I woke up again, but this time I was in a plain white room. There were voices in the background. I hope it wasn't those fairies again.

I groan when I felt a sharp pain hit my mind. The voices stopped and the room went quiet as a deserted island. I blink a couple of times before slowly looking around. My heart skips a beat when my eyes are connected with a pair of blue eyes. The pair of blue eyes also looked startled, or maybe it was just my imagination.

My body instantly jerked back and a silent scream left my mouth. They look startled but I was even more startled. My throat began to burn and my body began to ache. They noticed my condition and quickly called out for someone. The lady close to me grabbed a glass of water and handed it to me. My eyes widen as she got closer to me.

"Here, dear. We apologized for frightening you, " she said sincerely.

My throat was too dry to say anything. I quickly grabbed the water from her hand and gulp down the whole water. My throat felt a bit better but the pain flowing throughout my body was still there.

"T-thank you, but who are you? Why am I her-Did you guys kidnapped me?!" I panicked as I thought of all the possibilities of why I was here, stuck with two strangers in an unknown room.

My brain clutch in pain as my nerves went up.

"I suggest you want to relax if you don't want to die from a heart attack."

My head turns to the man standing in the corner. It was the first time he spoke since I woke up. He was leaning in the corner with an older man with a white coat on. The lady by me smacked his head then whispered something in his ear. She turned to smile at me before she left me alone with him.

Why was she leaving?! Was she letting him raped me?!

He had a scowl on his face as he turns his attention back to me. Either he heard what I said or the lady said something that made him upset. The doctor, I think he is a doctor, trailed right behind him as the stranger walk over to my side.

I scooted back a little hoping to create a city against us. I didn't like him near me.

"Your head was bleeding itself to death, " he answered while opening the box the doctor placed next to him.

Wow. That explains a lot. Pft.

"Why was I bleeding out in the first place?" I asked while carefully looking at him. Just to make sure he wasn't trying to cut open my arm or anything.

"All I remember was running, " running away, "before everything went black."

He looked annoyed at my questions. He applied something on my forehead making me wince. He didn't stop only continue dabbing on the spot. The doctor occasionally helping out.

"You talk a lot, you know. It could be the death of you, " he responded.

Now I was annoyed. I want to get out of here, now. Far away from him. I didn't run away from my mother to get stuck with an annoying guy. A hot one tho-

Wait, what? Stop it, Rosaline! You can't call a guy that possibly kidnapped you hot!

He finished wrapping my head then stood up. I touch my forehead and found it perfectly wrapped.

"Basically you were hurt and I decided to help you. Simple as that, " he said while fixing his sleeves. The man next to him cleaned up the mess he made while the stranger fixed himself.

The way he was speaking was like he was leaving something out. I mentally frowned. There must be more than that. How did I get hurt so badly while running away? No one attacked me, right?

"Stop frowning before you get wrinkles, " he spoke, breaking me from my trance.

I unconsciously frowned even more. My eyes glaring at the stranger that just helped me. He was standing by the door with the doctor next to him. He was looking at me with his perfectly arched eyebrows raised at me.

"Who are you?"

Really, Rosaline? Now you are asking for his name? What if he thinks we like him. Yuck!

The corner of his lips curled up. He lazily stares at me with half of his body out of the room. His dark hair falling to his eyes making him look dark yet manly at the same time.

"You'll soon find out, " with those words said he vanished from the room along with the man with a white coat.

I gulp.

What did I get myself into?

~*•Author's Note•*~


Reminder: Updates will be slower since school is coming up soon. I'll try to update fast tho.

Make sure to wear a mask and wash your hands. Stay safe!

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Until next time

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