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"You f*cking dumb idiots!"

I rubbed my temples and then opened my eyes to glare at bodyguards in front of me. They all had their heads bowed down as I gritted my teeth together.

"How in the world do you guys manage to lose someone in this damn mansion?!"

"I mean she could have fallen into a puddle, " Jeremy remarked.

I slowly turn my head and look at him with a forced smile on my face, "Well. I didn't know a puddle can be deep enough, to drown a 5 foot something girl!"

I let out a sigh, having enough of this stress. I barely got to eat my lunch without having a heart attack. How in the world did she go missing? But then my mind click.

Bling! Lightbullllllb.

"It's those Russian, again!"




I think for a second then turn around to face Noah with my head spinning. "Are you sure? He looks like he can be our older brother than a father."

Noah looked at me with a dumbfounded look and rubbed his temples. He just stood there with his eyes closes not bothering to say anything to what I said earlier.

"Why thank you, I guess, " the man who was claimed as our father said.

I faced him again and closely inspect him. He was closer to us and I instantly saw the features that were identical to mine.

"Woah. You are my dad, " I mumbled, still not believing I finally met my father after twenty years of living.

"Yes, I am."

Dang. I guess I said that a bit too loud.

A clap echoed out of know where interrupting my thoughts. I look at Noah and saw him looking at Ken instead, "should we tell her?" I look at Ken and saw him nodded his head. I saw him walked away leaving me alone with Noah. I look up at him, confused with everything that was happening.

"Follow me."

"Where are we going?" I asked before he could start walking.

"To dad's office. We need to talk about something."


I sat down in front of them and look around trying to make myself look less awkward and nervous than I actually am.

"Rosaline, " I look up at my long lost father, "as you know. I am your father and Noah is your half brother."

I nodded my head.

"Well, there's something we need you to know."

My mind weary as I look at him then Noah. They both had unreadable facial expressions making it difficult to know whether or not the news would be good or bad.

"And what's it about?" I asked to clear out the suspicious that was nearly killing my guts.

"He will explain it to you."


A knocked on the door caught our attention. I remained seated but both Noah and Ken stood up and bow their heads to a man. He was tall and a strange aura was swarming around him. I didn't feel comfortable in his presence.

"Rosaline, meet Damien. The Don of the Russian Mafia."

I froze on my spot and look at everyone with a shocked face. Why am I meeting Mafia peoples? First, Nicholas and now him.

"H-how do you guys know each other?" I said, trying to keep my voice as steady as possible.

"Well you see, " I look at my dad and waited for him to continue his sentence, " I work for him."


A bomb of surprises has dropped on my head. I opened my mouth then closed it again. I was very dumbfounded.


"I know, I know. You're not used to the-"

"Actually, I'm can of am. I just shocked, " I interrupted him.

A sudden realization hit him when I said that to him, "Ah yes. How could I have forgotten? You have been staying with that Italian guy, haven't you? I won't be surprised if you encountered fights staying with him."

I let out a nervous chuckle, eyeing Damien a little bit.

"Haha. Yes, I have."

This was not how I was expecting to meet my father. Definitely was not what I was expecting.

"Well, since that is cleared up, let's get down to business." My eyebrows furrowed at what he said.  All three of the men moved in front of me so that I could clearly see them. They sat down and then look at me.

"As you know, we are part of the mafia. That being said we have many businesses or assignments to complete."

"What does that have to do with me."

My father looks at the other two before pulling out a file from behind him and places it in front of me. I slowly lean forward to get it then proceed to open it. I carefully look at the papers before looking back up at them.

"You want me to h-hurt Nicholas?" I whispered out.

They were taken aback by my comment and immediately shook their head. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at them so that they could tell me what they were actually trying to make me do.

"Technically no. We just need you to bring him to us, or you bring us to him."

"Yes, we need a way to talk to him and settle some matters once and for all. And the best way is you since you guys are pretty close. Right?" Damien asked me.

"I supposed we...but then, why did you guys attack us the other day?"

"Ah, you see dear. He and I are not on good terms. I supposed I will explain it to you another day."

I nodded my head.

I still didn't understand why they had to kidnapped over here just to tell me this. They could have just met with me and did it the more civil way, but I guess they had their reasons. I purse my lips.

The sooner I understand everything the better.

"Good!" They all stood up and I followed what they did, "since that's taken care of, let's go eat."

Damien and dad both left the room first leaving both Noah and I left. I was about to walk out the door when my eyes caught something. That pin. My eyes flickered a bit. I have that pin.

"Rosaline? Ready to go?"

I shook my head and smile at my half brother, "Yes. I'm ready."

I walk out of the room with him but glance back at the pin one last time before the door was shut.


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