B o n u s #02

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This happened before Bonus #01. This bonus is the proposal event that accords a couple of months before the first bonus. Tbh, I should have made this bonus before the first one, lol.

Third Person POV

"Will you. . ."


"For the last time! Please, put the flowers over there not over here! I will not tolerate even a single small mistake!" an impatient man hollers out as he nervously glances around the room.

The man was none other than our Nicholas who was losing his patients as another worker made a mistake.

"No no! I said the light should be hung like this not like this."

The cause of the racket was Rosaline who had no idea she was the cause of it. As a matter of fact, she doesn't even know what's going on.

While at home thinking Nicholas was doing his mafia business he was secretly planning his proposal. It has been one year, almost two, since they have been together. They have gotten closer and Rosaline has finally hinted her approval for marriage. And with that, Nicholas immediately starts planning.

It took a month of planning and another month of getting all the materials prepared. By the end of the second month, he was ready. He just needs the workers to speed it up and do it without a single mistake.

But that seems impossible at the moment. At this rate, it would take the entire week to be prepared.


"I'll end up only as a boyfriend at this rate, " Nicholas grumbled out as he slouches on his chair.

"Haha!" Claire laughed as she watched her brother melt into his misery.

Although she enjoyed watching her brother suffer she also felt a bit envious of him and Rosaline's relationship. She sighed as she realized she won't be getting marry to the love of her life any time soon.

She pouted at the thought. She was already ready to be lovey-dovey with Roman.

"Stop laughing at me or karma is going to bite you. And I will surely laugh at you if that happens."

She wrinkled her nose at that.

"Whatever. Anyways, Rosaline is starting to suspect you of doing something."

Nicholas's body jerk upwards as he almost fell from his chair, "WHAT?!"

Claire winced from his loud voice, "don't worry, brother. She doesn't suspect you doing a proposal. Or at least from what I see. She suspects you of spending more time with your work than her."

Nicholas frown, "that's even worse. She thinks I care more about work than her? That's making me feel depressed."

"Well then, hurry up so she can stop thinking like that."

"I would if they can speed things up without making a mistake! This is so frustrating, I should just marry her right away instead of waiting, " he pouted to himself.

"Haha! Don't worry, you got me to help. In three days we will be ready. Just watch!"


3 days later

"Where are we going, Nicholas?" Rosaline asked as her eyes wander around the scenery out of the car window.


"Where is this somewhere?"

Nicholas smiled at her persistent questions.

"You will see in another five minutes."

Rosaline frown but kept quiet until the car stopped in front of a building that had flowers decorated in the front.

"Oh my-is someone proposing?" Rosaline asked until she gasped out loud, "is Claire getting engaged!"

Nicholas chuckled while the inside of him was relief that she didn't catch on, "something like that."

"Then let's go!"

She went inside thinking Nicholas was following her but instead he went through the shortcut to meet up with her.

"Nicholas look. Claire is so lucky. Look at those flowers!"

Little did she knew it was all for her.

"Are you list-Nicholas?"

Suddenly the lights went dim, and only one light was on, shining on a man who was dressed in a white tuxedo. With just a small amount of time, he was able to dress in a carefully made well-designed tuxedo.

Rosaline gasped as she stared at the person just a couple of feet away from her.

"Come here, love, " Nicholas softly spoke with a smile on his face.

Hesitantly, she walks down the rose petals pathway until she reached him. He leads her up the small white shelter with its columns decorated with lavenders wrapped around it.

He made sure to put every detail she mention she wanted on her wedding. She was amazed that he remembered. Her eyes were beginning to water from the affections she was being showered in.

"Rosaline, I know you don't want to be the spot of attention for too long so I will keep it short for you, " she smiled at him, "we both met from an unexpected situation but every day I am thankful that I got the opportunity to meet you. You are someone I wish to spend my life with, through pain and happiness. Will you give me the honor to be your husband?"

Rosaline's cheeks were now wet with tears that fell the moment he finishes his proposal. Her heart was warmed with love as she nodded her head.

"Of course!"

With a huge smile, Nicholas stood up and placed the ring on her finger. When their lips touched an erupted sound of laughter filled the garden as their family and friends congratulated them.

"My boy is all grown up now! Aww, look at our baby, Blake!" Mrs. Peterson spoke as she hugged the couple.


"You're right, he's all grown up now. We are getting old, " Mr. Peterson said as he wrapped his hand around his wife's waist.

After everyone was done congratulating, Nicholas walked Rosaline to a water fountain and had her sit there with him. They both stare at the beautiful night sky with their hands locked together.

"I promise I will make you the happiest you can be, we will make beautiful memories that the sky will tell our story when we are gone, " Nicholas whispered as he caresses her cheek.

She blushed, smiling at him with her tinted cheeks shining under the moonlight.

"And with this kiss, I will seal this promise, " he gently pulled her face to his and placed a sweet kiss on her lips.

"I love you."

"And I love you."


Here's the proposal scene as a thank you for 20k reads! :)
I realized that I should have written this before the first bonus. But anyways, I hope you guys enjoy it.

More bonus will appear in the future

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