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"Who?" he asked.

His eyebrows kissed each other as he glances at me then at the couple just a few feet away from us.

I ignored his question and kept staring at the figure who's arm was wrapped around a woman's waist. The woman seems like a mid-age woman, maybe in her late thirties. Her slightly wrinkle eyes twinkled the young guy rubbed her belly. The belly seems to be growing...

"I'm assuming he's your ex by the look on your face, " Nicholas blurted out. I pull my eyes away from the scene and look at him with wide eyes. My heart race as my face and neck began to feel warm.

"What, " was the only word that manages to escape my lips. My mind has gone blank and all I could do was stare at the situation I was in.

He tilts his head and looks at me with lazy eyes. They were sparkling with mischief that was waiting to be released.

"What to have some fun?" He suddenly asked.

I began to be even more confused. What was happening? He didn't wait for my response, instead, he pulled his hand out of his pocket and dragged me towards the two happy couples.

"What are you doing!" I whispered shout at him. I dug my feet onto the ground to hopefully stop him, but it did nothing. He looks at me for a split second then stops in front of the couple. I want to melt into a puddle of water while Nicholas looks like he was watching a comedy.

"Rosaline?" My eyes instantly connect to the familiar brown eyes that I used to adore. I immediately hated myself for looking at him. I pull my eyes away and look away. The shock in his voiced match with the expression he held. Eyebrows kissing, mouth open, and eyes frowning upon me. He looks at my connected hand with Nicholas and frowned even more.

"Who's this?" The woman next to him asks. Closer up, she looks much older. It was obvious she was way older than any of us. It was clear Chad was with her for her money and his child.

"Oh, hello, I'm Nicholas and this is Rosaline. Nice to meet you Chad and....is this your mother?" Nicholas spoke. We all did a double back when we heard the words that escape his mouth. My lips curled upwards as I held in a laugh.

"Actually this is my girlfriend Katy Smith, " Chad corrected him while rubbing the lady's stomach. The lady kept staring at Nicholas with wide eyes while Chad hugged her.

Nicholas on the other hand had his hand on his chin like he was thinking. A big grin grew on his face as the second past.

"Are you sure? I am certain she is already married. Right, Katy, or is it Mrs. Floofi?"

The last ounce of me looks at him with wide eyes as I open and close my mouth like a goldfish. Chad's hand fell from Katy's shoulder while her face paled.

"Is he telling the truth, Katy?" His hand fell onto his side as desperation filled his eyes. The same look I had when he told me the truth that night.

"How's Robert doing? I bet he's excited about his first child," Nicholas said, adding to the drama that was unfolding.

I pinch his arm and pulled him down to my level.

"What are you doing?!"

"Letting him get a taste of his own medicine, sweetheart." He pulls my hand away from his arm and looks at a fuming Chad.

"Who are you to make up such lies!"

"Am I?"

We all look at Katy who's face became even paler then earlier.

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