C h a p t e r 0 8

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*Crying noises*

"You dummy! Y-you made my spill my i-ice cream!" I cover my eyes with my arm as I cried my eyes out. The ice cream I barely ate sat across from me as the stinging burn on my knee increases.

"I-I'm sorry. But please stop crying. People are looking at me weirdly-hey stop! People are calling someone! Shhhhh!" He whispered yelled at me. Panic was very visible in his voice.

I wail, even more, hiccuping once a while. The pain on my knee wasn't even helping either. I felt a warm liquid pouring down my leg as I let fat tears drop from my eyes.


"So, where do you want to go now?" Nicholas asked while driving to an unknown place.

I tightly grip the seatbelt and turn to him, startled, "you're asking that now?"

He raised an eyebrow at me like I was crazy for asking that, "was I supposed to ask that when we get home?"

"Home? It's not-never mind. Just continue driving to wherever you were planning to go, " I told him.

He nodded his head never looking anywhere else but the road. I could tell he was a very good driver, or I hope he is. I don't want to die just yet. He continued driving without a single word coming out of his mouth. I was beginning to think he was going to sell me off to some squirrel gang when he stops in front of a park.

"Why are we here?" I asked, unbuckling my seatbelt and getting out of the car.

He put his sunglasses on and stare straight ahead, "what do you think? We are getting ice cream since we couldn't go to the mall today."

I scrunch my face into a grumpy Squidward as he walks over to an ice cream truck. My eyes soon landed on the appetizing looking ice cream as my mouth soon began to water.

"What do you want?" He asked. My eyes widen. Was he really going to buy me one?

"Can I get a large cookie dough?" I asked him while staring at the ice cream. The last time I had ice cream was probably 5 years ago when a classmate offered to buy everyone ice cream. That memory almost made me lost my appetite for ice cream. It reminded me of when I had to get food by myself while my mother party around. But then again, I cannot be upset when I'm eating ice cream.

"Ok. One small cookie dough then. And another one but extra large for me." Nicholas said to the guy in front of us.

My mouth drops as I stare at Nicholas. He had a smug look on his face while I had an annoyed look. As long as he was paying and I got at least a cup of ice cream I was fine.

"Are you trying to give a cat a hurt attack? What's with that face?" He asked.

I frowned at him but instantly smile when the ice cream was placed in front of us. I was about to grab his ice cream since it was bigger, but he grabbed it before I could. I frown again and pick up the very small one. It was smaller than my palm.

"How is it?" He asked me, grabbing a scoop the size of my cup and place it in his mouth.

I place a spoon of ice cream inside of my mouth and frown up at him. I suffer from my mom, and now I'm suffering from him.

"Good, " I mumbled, "thanks."

"That's good. Now it's mine!" He snatches the ice cream out of my hands making me quickly run after him.

"Give it back!" I yelled at him. My fingers try to reach for the cup as he laughed at me, running across the field.

"Come and get it! If you can!" He yelled through the air.

The gush of wind blew against my hair making it harder to see as my leg burn from the sudden amount of running. When I got close to him I grabbed his arm and grab the ice cream out of his hand.

"Got i-" The ice cream slip out of my hands and spilled on the concrete as I lose my balance. My right foot trip over my left foot causing me to fall on my knees onto the concrete. I felt the skin on my knee rip apart followed by a stinging pain on my knee. I place my palms on the ground and push myself up, feeling my eyes water in the process.


My eyes began to water even more and my lip trembles as I stare at both my knee and the ice cream in front of me. A small sob escapes my lips before it became a full blowout.

"Why are you crying?"

"You dummy! Y-you made my spill my i-ice cream!" I cover my eyes with my arm as I cried my eyes out. The ice cream I barely ate sat across from me as the stinging burn on my knee increases.

"I-I'm sorry. But please stop crying. People are looking at me weirdly-hey stop! People are calling someone! Shhhhh!" He whispered yelled at me. Panic was very visible in his voice.

I wail, even more, hiccuping once a while. The pain on my knee wasn't even helping either. I felt a warm liquid pouring down my leg as I let fat tears drop from my eyes.

"Girl. Stop being so dramatic, I just said I'll get you another ice cream."

My crying slow down and soon was replaced by hiccups. Nicholas has a scowl on his face as he handed me a tissue.

"You're more annoying then I thought," he mumbled to himself.

I glared at him and continue wiping the tears away as he walks me back to the ice cream truck. He paid the guy then place large ice cream in front of me. My eyes twinkle in delight seeing it was a large this time. I clap my hands together like a kid and happily scoop a large amount of ice cream and place it in my mouth.

"You cry over ice cream?" He asked. I nodded my head not looking at him. I didn't get a reply back but instead felt someone touching my knee. I hissed from the impact and smack the person's hand away. He retreated his hand back and pulled out a napkin.

"You're bleeding."

"No, my knee is crying."

He rolled his eyes at me and proceed to wrap my knee with the napkin he pulled out from his pocket. After he was finished he sat back in his seat and stared at me while eating his unfinished ice cream.

"You're strange you know."

I look up at him and stare at his eyes.

"My mom said the same thing, " I look away and continue eating my ice cream. I look at the view and let a sigh escape my lips.

The sound of laughter and children playing was the only sound that filled my ears. The scene in front of me feels weary. My eyes flutter a bit as children happily play with each other while their parents watch them from afar. My ice cream soon became forgotten as I stare at the childhood I always wanted.

"Are you good?"

I shook myself away from the scene look back at a confused Nicholas. I gave him a smile to tell him I was good and went back to eating the ice cream in front of me.

~*•Author's Note•*~

I have a 5 day weekend but my teachers keep assigning me work that takes the whole day to finish

Stay safe y'all. Make sure to wear your mask and stay 6 feet apart!

Don't mind my poor grammar, typo, mistake, and misspelling.

Make sure to VOTE and COMMENT

Until next time

Bittersweet✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt