C h a p t e r 16

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"We're under attack!"

As if the world was trying to show that he was correct a loud crashing sound was heard. It was nearby, making my stomach queasy. I hugged myself staring at Nicholas with wide eyes. Why did he look so calm!?

"Get the men! You know what to do. Rosaline, " I look up at him, "come here. Let's get you somewhere safe."

He grabbed my hand without waiting for me to answer and rushed us to a hallway I didn't recognize. My mind was blank and my heart was pounding hard against my chest as we both ran. I couldn't think or say anything, it was as if my body shut down.

I didn't realize we stop until he opens a silver door and looks at me. A stern look was on his face, telling me that all of this was real and if I don't go I'm going to get both of us killed.

"Get inside, and stay there. Don't open the door unless I come and open it. Okay?" He told me, looking behind him every so often.

I hesitate but quickly nodded when another crashing sound fills the air. I got inside turning around to look at him one last time before the thick door closed.

I breath out and fell to the ground. My heart was still pounding as I sat on the cold ground of the darkroom. The only source of light was the glowing screen behind me. I hug my legs and rest my chin on my knees as I kept my eyes on the door. I couldn't hear anything at all.

I wonder what was happening behind that door.

Why was it happening? Who was attacking us?

I let out a sigh and bury my face into my knees. My life can never just let me live peacefully. Something always has to happen.

Time seems to move slowly as I stay unmoving. My eyes began to grow heavy the longer I stare into the darkness and my butt began to go numb. After fighting sleep for too long my eyes droop and I fell into a deep slumber on the cold ground.


I turn around, holding the spatula in my hand, and look at my husband who was grinning at me. I smile back at him and hug him back once he reached me and gave me a tight hug. It became our routine every time he comes home.

"How are you and our little one?" He asked, rubbing my swollen stomach.

I smiled, "we are both doing fine and the baby is hyper as always, " I said with a laugh, "How was your day? Did you yelled at anyone?"

He groans and buries his face into my neck.

"Of course you would know." He places his chin on my neck and looks up at me, "who told you this time."

I let out a sigh and run my fingers through his unknotted hair.

"Nicholas, you can't keep yelling at your workers, " I told him.

He grumbled something under his breath and pulled me closer to him. We stay like that for a bit before I shut my eyes tightly and let out a groan. I grab a fistful of Nicholas's shirt and held onto my stomach. I felt him tense over me before pulling away.

"Rosaline! What's wrong."

I couldn't answer or say anything. I gasped for air as I double back. I felt him grip my shoulder and said something but I didn't hear anything but a banging sound. Sweat from around my hairline and my stomach ache as I pant.

Bang bang. Bang!

I let out a gasp and place my hand over my chest. The weird dream felt so real but it was so disgusting. Nicholas and I, married with a baby on the way!? My thoughts were pulled away from me when the same sound from my dream interrupted me.

I look around trying to find anything to protect myself but found nothing. My heart race again as the banging increases. Nicholas better put me in a room with a strong ass door or I'm hunting him down as a ghost if I die.

I turn myself into a furball in the corner and try to zone myself out. Maybe I will magically turn invisible.

No. I'm just making myself a fool before I die-


The freaking door bust open! I panic, covering my eyes like I used to do when mom used to come inside my room. If I can't see them they can't see me. I used to work most of the time.

"We found her!"


I throw my hands and legs around like a weird boneless creature as some bulky people advance towards me. I let out a yelp and try biting one of them but the moment I did he dropped me flat on the ground.

I heard a thump and several other thumps as I rubbed my head. A groan left my lips as I look up but quickly shut my eyes from the dizziness.

Did I die?

Tap tap. Slap!

"Ow! Hey! What the hell!" I screamed, sitting up.

I glare at the figure but stop when I saw Nicholas looking at me with his face sweaty and dread out of energy. My eyes widen and I quickly look around. The bulky guys who busted in were all in the ground with a little tranquilizer dart stuck on their butt cheek.

"Oh my gosh!" I covered my mouth and look back at Nicholas.

I stood up and ran over to him. Pulling him into a hug.

I hugged him out of pure shock and breath in and out. I felt him hug me back as I try to digest what happened. I nearly died or got kidnapped!

I hugged him tighter and bury my face into his shirt, not caring if he was sweaty. All it matter was for him to hold me and make me forget. I felt him rubbed my back making me feel droopy again. I shook my head trying to stay awake, but I was stopped by a hand on the back of my head.

"Sleep, " he said.

I didn't want to sleep. I didn't want him to let go of me. I was afraid for the first time. He was the only one who ever hugged my fear away.


As if he understood what I was thinking he said, "Shoo. I'll be there when you wake up."

I hesitated at first but finally let sleep take over since I trust him. I saw him look at me with an unknown look on his face before falling on his arms with my eyes shut.

~*•Author's Note•*~

I will try to update soon so
you guys don't have to wait too long.

Stay safe y'all.
Make sure to wear your mask, clean your hands, don't touch your face,
and stay 6 feet apart! Or just stay at home!

Don't mind my poor grammar, typo, mistake, and misspelling.

Make sure to VOTE and COMMENT

Until next time

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