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Bang Bang Bang!

"Rosaline! Answer the fucking door!" My mother yelled from her room. I stop tying my hair into a bun and step out of the bathroom. I made my way to the door while rubbing away the sleep from my eyes. I barely got any sleep last night. Who would if they were in my shoes.

The pounding of the door continues as I got closer to it. I could hear someone yelling, and I can already tell who it was. And I was dreading to open the door.

Mr. Pervert Landlord

I suck in a large amount of air while balling my hands into a fist. I unlock the door and let him barge in. The old man stumbles inside and nearly trip over my stretched leg.

I wished he trip and fall 6 feet under.

"What is all this racked Ro-oh. Hello Mr. Plumo." My mother said while brushing her hair to the side. I let out a silent snort. If she didn't see him she would have slapped me for 'disturbing her beauty sleep.' Beauty and Mitchell equals a big fat no-no.

Mr. Plumo fixes himself and stares at my mother's exposed chest. Well, half-exposed chest. Her robe was starting to fall over her shoulders making her cleavage on displace. I wouldn't be surprised if it drops and she would still seem cool about it. She was probably used to being naked all the time.

"You still owe me last month's rent plus today's rent." He informed us, his eyes never leaving her chest.

Disgusting, I thought.

My mother let out a nervous laugh, "I-I'm sorry, but I don't have any money..." I wasn't surprised. All the money I made was spent on parties she attended. Not a single penny was left.

"You said that the last time Mitchell! And I let it slide but this time I won't!" he yelled at her, his voice echoing through the empty house.

It fell quiet until my mother spoke again.

"Is there anything else I can give to you to pay for the rent?"

He thought for a bit until his sinning eyes look at me. I could feel my heart pounding faster and faster when I understand what he was thinking. No. Don't even think about it.

"Give me your daughter and I'll let you slide, again." Surely my mother wasn't that heartless, but she proved me wrong when the next wrong left her mouth.

"Deal." My mouth dropped and stare at the woman I called mother. She didn't seem affected by the fact she was selling her daughter to a pervert. But what can you say, it's Mitchell we are talking about. She left the living room and went back to her room, leaving me alone with him.

"You belong to me now, darling."

I felt my heart drop and a bunch of gagging noise leaving my throat. Boo, I know you're not talking about me.

"Don't call me darling, old creep, " I spat at him.

His wrinkly forehead wrinkle even more as he furrowed his eyebrows at me. He clearly didn't like my attitude but I didn't give a damn. He grabbed my arms and yank me close to him. I let out a yelp when my body crushed into his disgusting cold one.

"Get away from me you ugly potato!!"

Ugly potato, Rosaline. Really? What kind of insult is this! A cat is probably laughing its butt off right now.

"No no. Remember, your mother sold you to me, " he whispered to my ear.

My eyes widen when I felt his hands trailing down my back. I'm not about to get r*pe by some old guy. I balled up my hand and slam it straight into his eyes. He let out a loud curse and back away. When he let go of me to cover his eyes I slam my knee straight at his balls, or whatever this mushy thing is.

"Ahhh!! My eye and balls! You b*tch!" He yelled at me while kneeling. I took that opportunity to dash out of here. Before I ran out of the house I look back at him.

"Yes, I am a b*tch. A b*tch that you shouldn't mess with, cause I will bite!"

I grab something that was close to me, which was a vase, and threw it at him. I ran to the door and slam the door shut, ignoring all the yelling coming from that house. The sound of my mother screaming and the landlord groaning while yelling filled the neighborhood. I didn't bother looking back nor did I bother going back either. My time living there is over and I will never go back.

My feet burn against the road as I ran without shoes on. I could feel the skin peeling off and bleeding from the harsh ground. I didn't bother stopping and continue running through the empty road. I pant as a couple of people stare at me.

No. You are not crazy. There is a grown-ass woman running down the streets in her pajamas.

Their mumbling distracted me that I didn't get time to register a car zooming in. Their mumbling stop and was replaced by several screaming. I stop running and glance at them in confusion. Why were they screaming for? I barely got time to register what they said when someone pushed me out of the road. My head hit the sidewalk and my head starts bounding.

I felt something warm oozed out of my forehead as someone yelled something. The sound of a car tire stopping filled the car, followed by a fit of yelling. I felt my body get lift up as my eyes began to flutter close. The pounding fading away and was replaced by a silent darkness.

So this is how I die. Cheated by my ex-boyfriend and pushed onto the sidewalk. Nice.

The last thought that was on my mind before my eyes close was

What kind of person would stand in the middle of the road?

~*•Author's Note•*~


The first chapter of the sequel is finally uploaded. Please make sure to vote and comment!

I forgot to mention this in 'A little intro'
Rosaline is 20 years old
Nicholas(mention in the next chapter) is 26 years old.

Until next time

(Make sure to stay safe!)

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