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"You are finally quiet, good riddance. I thought you would never be quiet, " Nicholas blabbered to me.

I sent him a glare, shoving the last spoonful of ice cream in my mouth. The corner of his lips curled up as he let out a small chuckle then look down at his empty cup. He knew very well that he was getting on my nerves. And he was enjoying it.

"So, " he started, looking at me while twirling the spoon in his hands. I look at him and raised an eyebrow at him. "Tell me about yourself. I mean we are going to be living in the same house for a while."

I let out a small grunt and mentally rolled my eyes at him. No need to remind me.

He patiently waited for me to reply but I just kept quiet. When I finally open my mouth I was interrupted by screams. My eyes widen and the first thing I did was jump out of my seat. When I turn around to find the source of the scream a hand went over to my mouth and covered it while another hand snake across my waist.

I held in a gasp as I struggled against their hold, watching as people around the park run for their lives.

"Shoos, you!" he ordered me, squishing my mouth even more.

I freed my arms and elbow the person with all my might while lifting my right leg and flying it backward. The heavy person's hand left my mouth and stumble a bit. I pant as I lean forward. I look behind me and groan even more when I saw Nicholas being held by two men while the person I just kick had tears running down his cheeks.

"S-sorry, " I mumbled. I tried to help him but he scrambles away as he held onto his part. I wince at the sight. Even if he tried to kidnap me or harm me I still felt bad that I probably ruined his chance of having kids.

"Um, hello?"

I look away from the guy and look at an unpleasant Nicholas. He was being held by two black-covered figure, meaty looking men. They were super chunky.

"What are you doing! Help me!" Nicholas yelled at me.

I back away and look at him like he was crazy. He looks even more displeased at me when I took a step back. He tries to walk to me but was pull back.

"Come back! Help me! I just bought you ice cream."

I shook my head and back away even farther.

"Well well. Is the Mafia King begging for help?" The guy to the right said.

Mafia King? Mafia king...
No. No. No!
But yes.

"What do you want from me, " Nicholas ask, while I was lost in my thoughts.

"Well now. Wouldn't that be too simple?"

"How am I supposed to know? Life isn't simple."

I heard some bickering going on before Nicholas yelled at me.

"Hurry! Give him what he wants." What?! What did he want?!

"What!? You're a Mafia King you should know how to solve this." I yelled back at him as I nervously thought of what he said earlier. Why didn't I listen?

"So!?" He spat out with wide eyes, "Does that title supply me with multiple lives?"

"Well then, " I thought for a second of what to say. Nothing was going to help us out of this situation, "Just die, then. I'm saving my butt first."

I turn around and ran away, ignoring his shock face and yelling.


"After everything! You're just leaving?!?"

Yes. My life is more important than yours.

I ran for just a couple of seconds before stopping when I heard a bunch of punching and grunting behind me. I slow down and turn to look back. I blink a couple of times to see if I was hallucinating. There, in the exact spot that I just left was Nicholas who was patting his hands together while standing on the two bulky guys.

When he saw me staring at him he glares at me as he fixes his shirt. He walks over to me, kicking the body aside as he did. When he was standing in front of me I could feel the annoyance radiating off of his body. I bow my head and nervously fidget with my fingers.

"I now learned I can never trust you at these types of situations."

I look up at him and saw that he wasn't angry. Instead, he looks pretty amused at me. I smiled a bit while he stared down at me.

"Okay. Now it's time to bring you back home You have done enough damage today."

"But what those three fellas?" I suddenly asked as he guides me to the car with his hand on my back.

"just go to the car. You are already hurt. Besides someone will come and pick them up."


"no buts. Unless you want to die here."

He is a Mafia King, sweetie. Better run or die like a chicken.

I nodded my head and quickly run to the car while his laugh echoes the empty park.

~*•Author's Note•*~

So, school got canceled for the entire week. Due to an upcoming hurricane. That means updates should be coming, unless I'm busy with homework or have no wifi.

Stay safe y'all. Make sure to wear your mask and stay 6 feet apart!

Don't mind my poor grammar, typo, mistake, and misspelling.

Make sure to VOTE and COMMENT

Until next time

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