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I play with my fingers in the diner room as everyone sat down and chat while the food was being served. I peek at my right and stare at Nicholas who was chatting with a blonde guy. I nervously try to silently scoot my chair to the left, trying to get a bit of a distance from him but the sound of the loud ear burning creak that left the chair caught the attention of everybody.

A raging warmth feels my face and neck as everyone stares at me. I felt Nicholas' eyes staring at me while I lower my head and slowly began eating as nothing happened. And like that everyone went back to whatever they were doing without questioning me. I let out a sigh of relief but immediately let out a small yelp as someone drag my chair close to them.

Nicholas leans down to my ear while picking up a steak, "relax. No one is going to bite...at least not right now." My eyes widen as I look at him in disbelief. One side of his lips curled up while he places the perfectly sliced steak into his mouth.

"Eat before it's gone, " he told me before he shifted his attention back to the man he was talking to earlier.

I slowly lifted my hands and scan the variety of foods in front of me. The more I look at the foods in front of me the wearier I became. I grimace when I look at the many utensils neatly placed on both sides of my plate. Who needs all these forks and spoons! Finally, with enough confidence, I grab a random fork and proceed to grab a steak. Right when I was about to pick up the smallest steak a fork from my right block my way to it. I halt and look up and Nicholas who was staring at my fork with one of his eyebrows raised. The room grew quiet, no even the sound of breathing was heard.

Nicholas place my hands down on the table and grab the steak instead. He placed it on my table and began cutting it, ignoring the stares of people around us.

"You're using the wrong fork. That's for salads. This, " he showed me his fork, " is what you use to eat and pick up food, like steak."

I gaped at him, not saying a word as I try to figure out what's the difference was between the two forks and why was he cutting the meat for me. I was more than capable to cut the meat myself.

"But they are just for-"

He placed his fork and knife back on his plate and look at me, " they are just forks, spoons, and knives but each one is made for a specific thing. Now eat up." I frowned at him and pick up the fork that was similar to the one he was using earlier. Everyone around us look away when he went back to his food but once a while I could feel their stares at me.

What a fancy almighty weirdo guy he is. It's just utensils, I thought.

"Who is she, sir?" I heard the blonde guy ask Nicholas. He didn't even try whispering or hiding the fact that he was talking about me while I was so close by him.

"Who does she look like to you?" Nicholas answered, slicing the meat without a single mistake. Everyone's attention was now to them, even if their head was glue to their meal.

"A girl?"


"Wait what?"

Nicholas didn't answer nor reply after that. He just picks up his glass and took a sip of the wine that was red as clean blood. The guy on the other hand was left clueless. He tilts his head, scrunching his face before going back to eating. Less than 1 minute later, Nicholas wipes his mouth clean and stood up.

"I'm done for today. Please enjoy your meal and go back to what you were doing. Jeremy follow me."

He moves away from the table and walks up the stairs with a blonde guy tailing after him. I look back at the table and shrink when I saw everyone looking at me.


Third Person Point of View


Nicholas sat in the wheelchair and glance up at Jeremy. "Close the door and sit down." He did as he was told, soon sitting in from of his boss waiting for the many questions flying around his head to be answered.

"Where's the file you said was important?"

Jeremy instantly understood and pull out a thick file that he places in his jacket before dinner. Nicholas grabbed the file out of his hand and flip through it.

"What makes this so important, compare to everything else?" He asked Jeremy.

He flipped through the file while scanning the pages to see if anything was even worth reading.

"Sir, I believe this connects to the accident that happened to your sister 2 years ago, " he explained his theory to his boss. He believed that he finally found out what causes his boss's younger sister to go into a coma for 2 years.

Nicholas froze on his spot, his hand stops midway in the air while his head shot up, looking at his assistant with wide eyes. It was clear he was shocked, you could see the many emotion flowing through his eyes. He placed the file down and stare at him tensely.

"What?" The shock in his voice ring through the air as his heart raced.

"Sir. If you look at the photos I have collected you can see why I believe what I believe, " his assistant answered.

Without wasting any time he flips through the file and picks up the few photos placed in the middle of the file. Nicholas' eyes dilated as he recognized the picture in front of him. His breath hunch, his heart, and mind froze in the spot as he goes through the pictures. One picture, in particular, caught his attention. It was a picture of a woman standing next to a man. You had to look carefully to detect the two figures behind the bushes.

"Jeremy, I need you to do something and listen carefully."

As the two fill the room with plans, downstairs Rosaline was clueless to what was going on in the room just above her.

~*•Author's Note•*~

Iiiiii. My electricity was out for two days, yeah it sucked. I'm back now and will be going back to school in another day so update will be kinda slow again.

Anyways, do you guys prefer first point of view or third point of view? I like both but I feel like first person point of view it much easier to write. (Well sometimes)

Stay safe y'all. Make sure to wear your mask and stay 6 feet apart!

Don't mind my poor grammar, typo, mistake, and misspelling.

Make sure to VOTE and COMMENT

Until next time

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