Start from the beginning

"Is someone hungry, baby boy?" Primrose cooed, turning to Orion, "We should go to Elain, can you grab me a coat please?"

Nodding, Orion jumped up, leaving the room as Prim picked up Leo's blanket and began to wrap him up comfortably. As the day passed, the temperature only dropped and they couldn't afford for anyone to get sick. Orion re-entered, bundled in his own coat and scarf. He helped Prim put her own on as she held Leo to her chest, zipping up the jacket over him with his little head poking out the top. Making sure he was secure, her hand holding him up over the top of her coat, they headed out. Waving from the door, Nova yelled her goodbyes to Leo as Orion and Primrose disappeared into the snow.

It was a swift trek through the camp as they reached the infirmary cabin. Leo's hungry screams only got louder as they neared, as though he could sense his parents. Feyre greeted them at the door, ushering them out of the cold and giving her son a hug. Primrose moved into the next room as Orion stood with his mother, a smile lingering on her lips. She would never get to hug her mother, but seeing Orion hug his made her heart wholly warm.

Azriel was laid on his stomach atop one of the bed's, Cassian leaning over him and stitching his wings. Elain was sat beside Nesta, her arms wrapped around her sister. Rhysand was pacing at the end of the room, his eyes meeting Prim's as she entered, bringing the sound of Leo's cries with her.

"Is someone hungry?" drawled Az, opening his eyes and peering over at Leo as Primrose unzipped her coat and produced the newborn. Elain moved, taking Leo in her arms and cradling him against her chest as if he was the most precious thing in the entire world, which he was. She moved to the corner of the room, taking up a seat where Azriel could see her and Leo, and began unbuttoning her shirt. Averting her eyes, Prim smiled as Orion and Feyre entered. Leo's cries stopped as he fed.

"How are you feeling Uncle Az?" Orion asked, stopping at Prim's side and resting a hand on the small of her back. Azriel turned from where Elain was breastfeeding, looking to his nephew with a small smile.

"Exhausted mainly, my wings... Well, I suppose you've seen the state they're in. It hurts, but I'm just happy to be conscious again," Azriel sighed, his head pushed against the pillow he rested gently upon.

Cassian stepped back from where he was hunched over his brother, placing the needle and thread to one side, "They should heal finely, it may take a while but they'll be as good as new sooner or later."

Rhys stopped his pacing, turning to face the room, "I also spoke with Amren. She and Varian are helping those there and restoring the city. There's not much else we can do now."

As Cassian helped Azriel into a sitting position, Elain stood, moving to sit beside her husband. Leo was still sucking at her breast, his eyes closed happily as he drunk. Az wrapped an arm around her, his fingers tracing Leo's feet.

"We should get going," started Orion, "I'm going to do a quick circle around the camp just to make sure everything is secure. Nova is with Lyra and Scarlet."

Prim took Orion's palm, squeezing his hand within hers, "Just let us know if you need anything. We're more than happy to help."

Saying their goodbyes, Prim and Orion walked back the way they had come, entering the blackness of night. Sprouting from his back, Orion brought his wings out, flapping them in the breeze.

"You coming?" he smirked, holding his arms out. Prim could have transitioned into her own golden wings, but she hadn't flown in them as a human and she was sure she wouldn't be very stable. Instead, she climbed into her mate's arms. His hands went up under her knees, cupping around her back and lifting her, sending them both into the air.

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