Chapter 44 - [Little Sister]

Start from the beginning

     He could see the distress in Avaryn’s face, but he knew that there was nothing that could be done.

     Meenu's decision to retrieve Seliaryn, in his perspective, was a good one.

     Because if she didn’t, then Seliaryn could potentially be a difficult enemy for Avaryn. And no one had a better chance of bringing that man back other than Meenu.

     “Why did you do that? Make her a warrior, I mean?”

     When Master Red heard her voice, he fought back the urge to roll his eyes.

     It was a childhood habit of his.

     Am stepped next to him and looked out the window at the young men. “You knew that would give her confidence and make her charge right into danger.”

     Master Red frowned. “She’s not as stupid as you think.”

     “I don’t think she’s stupid.” Am responded, “actually, I think exactly the opposite. She’s extremely intelligent. What I’m worried about is the fact that you’re being an idiot.”

     “You don’t need to worry about me, Ameryna.”

     “Are you sure? Because mother is starting to get interested in this girl and you’re walking her right into mothers fingers. I mean, the first place she’s going to go to go to look for Seliaryn is Lumyryn.”

     Master Red looked at her. “And you?” He asked, “you’re so busy criticizing my actions when you’ve been doing some foolish things of your own?”

     Am smirked.

     “Your mother is going to be furious when she finds out that you’ve decided not to swear the oath to Avaryn.”

     “Avaryn is fine and all but...” Her smirk remained on her face, “I don’t want Seliaryn to go to waste. Besides, my mother has nothing to worry about, since her precious baby boy decided to take my place.”

     Master Red scowled and looked away. 

     Am smiled, “oh my dear big brother... I hate how much I miss you and that face of yours.”

     “You’re a fool.”

     Am kept smiling. “Every day that goes by makes me realize more and more how similar the two of us are.” She said.

     Master Red frowned, but listened as she spoke.

     Her gaze was suddenly very distant and her voice grew small, contradicting the entire tough look she had going for her. “We’re both rebellious children who hate to listen to our mother.”

     Master Red started to smile. “Glad to see you’ve joined my side.”

     “Actually, Vilaryn, I’ve always been on your side. You’ve just been so absorbed in yourself that you never even knew it.”

     Master Red kept smiling. “In that case… I owe you my thanks, little sister.”



As promised, here is the next chapter! HEHE! I don't really know if you would consider the end of this chapter a cliff hanger but... I think this story is starting to present you with a lot more questions!

NOW, to answer the first question... YES!!!! Ameryna and Master Red (Whose real name is Vilaryn, if you don't remember from earlier) ARE siblings!!! Which means Master Red is the eldest son of the Head of the Lumynos Clan, the frightening Lady Kiaryna! HEHEHE!

SO, this chapter IS the last chapter of the first "book" and the Epilogue AND the Prologue AND the first chapter of the next book will be uploaded between Monday and Wednesday of next week! Hope you're excited for THREE uploads!! =D

As always, thank you for your support and I really hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Please feel free to ask me to clarify anything that you don't understand (maybe I accidently left something unexplained that should be explained? LET ME KNOW!!!) 

And don't forget to vote ;D



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