I bit my lip to hold in my giggle as I kept dancing. Then a pair of hands grabbed my hips. I pushed them off not wanting to seem rude yet, trying to let them get the hint but they didn't. They grabbed my waist this time and tried to pull me into their chest.

I turned and shoved them away, "No thanks bastard, keep your hands to yourself or till rip them off." I threatened with a growl. "Bitch." He snapped back before tugging off in the crowd. My mood was instantly soured as I tried to rub his germs off my clothing.

"I'm going to get a drink or use the bathroom. Be back in a little." I told the girls before shoving my way through the crowd. Damn it, I was really enjoying myself. Why do some guys only have the audacity?

I finally made it out of the crowd hovering close to the stage when I saw Austin leaning against the wall by himself. Seeing no reason not to, I walked over to him. He turned his head, spotting me walking towards him.

I gave a little smile without teeth and waved at him. He did the weird chin tilt up thing as I came closer. "So how has the party been for you?" I asked when I got close enough for him to hear me.

He shrugged his shoulders, "Like usual I guess." I pucker my lips at him. "You and Ash need to learn how to loosen up a bit. Is this the best place to do it, no? But you have a straight-A student in the department to teach you how to." I jumped onto the back of both next to him.

He gave me a little smile before shaking his head. "I have too many things to worry about to let myself let loose. And I'd rather not let myself go around a bunch of strangers and people I don't like." He defended before taking a drink from his sprite bottle.

"Is that water or the good stuff?" I questioned pointing at the bottle."Sprite, designated drive." He held the bottle out to me, offering me a sip. I would usually say no but I was incredibly parched so I accepted.

After a quick gulp, letting the burn of the carbon subside I faced him again. "So what are you doing here by your lonesome?" He leaned his head back against the brick wall and crossed his arms. "Making sure no one does anything stupid." He groaned. "On that note have you seen Cameron?" He turned to look around the room. "Nope hasn't seen him around but I saw Ash at the bar earlier."

I waited for a little in silence before I asked the question I really wanted to, "And by no one you mean?" He turned his head again to look at me, "When we say anyone we mean us. No one else matters except each other." He looked me dead in the eye and told me in dead seriousness.

"Am I involved in your weird familia world?" I leaned forward, putting my weight in the arm resting on my knee. He shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know yet Little Fox, we'll just have to wait and see."

After giving me that vague answer he got up from the wall and started to walk towards the bar. "You're not some poem from the 1500s and I'm not a high school English teacher so cut the bullshit," I called out sarcastically not hiding my annoyance from his answer. "And I'm keeping your sprite!"

He waved the back of his hand at me not even turning around. I sighed and jumped off the booth feeling more annoyed than pissed. Remembering I wanted to use the bathroom I headed to the little hallway with my guard up. Ready to kill a mofo that tried anything.

I stepped into the hallway to see several girls draped over a tall body blocking the way to the bathroom at the end of the hall. He was pushed up against the wall and the girls seemed to almost be pinning him down to it.

I held my groan in and instead rolled my eyes so far up I could see my god damned brain. Get a room people. I was deciding whether to walk past them or just wait because I didn't need to use the bathroom that bad when I got a better look at the guy.

The Mitchell BoysWhere stories live. Discover now