✦ Illusion

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When the last period was over, Kenzo did me a favour to drop me off at home, which I was not expecting in any situation. Besides, Julie enounce that she ship us as couples while walking outside with them. Hilarious thing I've ever heard, it's funny that she think he likes me!

The whole ride we gossip about the music and artists. We revealed our favourite songs and bands. I was beyond excited for tonight plus his company unlocked the enthusiasm of me. When we arrived, I wanted to invite him inside for a tea or coffee nevertheless his phone start to vibrate. He told me that it was a call from his father telling him to meet at school immediately.
I nodded, saying,"Okay. Thanks for the lift."

In response, he stared me into the depth of my eyes. Those look was hard to understand and one couldn't tell his thoughts at all. As if switching his mind he jerked his head and mouthed 'bye'. He sped through the streets and I continued to walk to the front door. It was strange to saw him lost in something deep for a moment. Stone brothers thing.

I took out a bunch of key from my bag as my parents wasn't home. Due to their busy work schedule they will not make to home until five. It is regular in case of my dad, mama's just bit late today.

Before I could put the key into the keyhole, the door opened from inside like the last time startling me again.The keys dropped on the floor.

"You missed me?" He teased slyly. I gasped, somehow keeping my scream silent.

"You shouldn't be here," I stoop down to pick the keys,"how did you entered?" And putting them in my bag, I cautiously walked inside closing the door at the slightest. He straightly ignored my query. I did not missed his slow gait as he pulled out a chair and sat like he owned the place doing my same posture: Crossed arms.

"Fine! Would you tell me why are you here?" I was annoyed and the way I talk to him felt stupid. Loon was those mind theory that was saying,Tell him you never stopped thinking about him. He appeared in your dreams as a mystery and in real life he is more than that!

My silly thoughts, just go away!

"I get here by opening the backdoor with the help of my girlfriend's hair pin. Piece of cake." He directed breaking my thoughts and my mind believed his every words.

I prepare myself to retort, alternatively feeling weak. Unexpectedly, the bag weighed brick heavy on my shoulders. The walls start to spin like top. It was a moment of near collapsing. I didn't thought that he would be watching until his huge arms supported me. I thanked him mentally. Blurry eyes search for his glimpse; in place of his face only supernatural eyes came into view.

You have never faint before. No, you cannot. Wake up!

"Wales?" He patted my cheeks softly.

"Are you listening?" It was the last question I heard from him. Then, I didn't faint neither consumed by the darkness people used to explain before fainting. I fell asleep so deep that I could predict dreams were going to call me.

Gradually, thousands of tiny fireballs erupted all over me. It didn't burn, I floated with them in the air. So light that felt nothing.

As if my every inch was part of them, I drifted away.

* * *

"Don't go there, please remember this.

Don't go there. Tonight. Are you hearing me?"

Someone pleaded in my head or maybe in real. It wasn't my voice for sure.

Soon there was another rumbling voice next to me. "Sage?" It was my mom who was sprinkling cold liquid in my face. I probably crinkled my face because I felt the wiping sensation and massage on my forehead.

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