✦ Aliveness

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After a week ~

Somewhere far, far away, a group of people was dancing over the blast of music. It wasn't a pop song neither a rhythm worth dancing. I wondered why they were jumping up and down when the music was my..my Ringtone?

My phone was ringing so loud that I realised my brain fooled itself, connecting the harsh sound in my subconscious mind.

"Hello." My voice sound groggy as I answered without looking at the screen. It was probably in the earliest morning when the Venus would be dozing off with other planet mates.

"Wishing you many more candles to blow, birthday girl!"

It's my birthday? Oh, yes.

Without thinking anything, I cleared my throat to say irreplaceable words,"Thank you, April."

"Uh, I'm not April."


"Uh-oh, Thank you so much, Julie." I cringed biting my lower lip.

"It's fine." She told me further in an amused tone,"We've a surprise for you!"

"I'm not fond of ," I yawned in between, "surprises."

"You'll love it, I promise. It's like I've spill my beans. Sweet dreams, birthday girl!" She hung up. She sounded delightful, more than when we greeted each other 'Merry Christmas' yesterday. I also got birthday texts from Eric which I replied as soon I saw them.

I lose my sleep and thank to one's stars that I felt fresh, as yesterday I was wide awake until late night with parents and neighbours outside with the bonfire. No barrier of frost and snow, yesterday was a pure bliss. And my grandparents has invited me today at their home which is on the top of my to-dos list. Every birthday, I visit their home. It makes me feel lucky.

Heaven's, it's 26th December. The day of my existence on earth. Nothing felt within me, no difference in age and not a single feeling of grown-up. Just my heartbeats was faster than before. Today was also the day when I lost Lucy, my one and only dog. It's been a year since her death. Oh, how fast the time flies!

I stood up shivering a bit and made myself to the bathroom. After, self talking or more like whispering in there, I walked back planning to choose the outfit of the day. As soon as I reach for the closet, there was a soft knock on the door. In answering, I was surprisingly standing infront of my parents.

"Happy birthday to you, dear."

I closed my mouth in awe. They had set up a brown coloured delicious looking cake on the table with ignited candles shaped in number 18. I didn't move, bursting in happy tears as I was beyond happy and choked by laughing at the same time, which sounded unusual. They hugged and kissed on my cheeks.

"Thank you, Mama and Daddy. It meant so much to me. I really act like I'm..," I wiped my tears with my sweater sleeve, "nine years old."

"It's our pleasure, Sage. You're still our same child with nine years old heart." Dad told me smiling and I was already on the top of the world.

They are my stars, my inspiration; my everything.

I'll be your shining armour, I promised. Then, I blew the candles wishing something more important.


The drive wasn't long after we pulled out of my grandparents' house. They were so happy and I got a cute exotic cacti as a birthday present from them. I got yesterday too which was yet to open.

Stars Of Life जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें