✦ Welcome, Sage!

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We drove along a curvy, windy road. The dark patches of clouds were looming in the sky. I wasn't in a very good spirit and it was definitely not because of the day's condition. I shivered instinctively when a bad feeling rose making my stomach wrung like those laundry clothes.

"It will take ten minutes from here." Dad reported glancing at me at the rear view mirror. Heaven knows what my dad saw in my face, he further added, "Have patience."

"I'm not very excited either. I was just wondering about the weather." I said quietly.

Mom turned her head to the front understanding my mood. And Dad just focused on driving. They chatted about the state we were moving into and the family I was going to live with in the city. So far, it means that I was not getting a new dorm for sure. They were adding the facts about places and important government rules implying on educational stuffs. I didn't got to think about that as my mind was somewhere else.

The gloomy atmosphere tuned in with the low music that was playing in my ears. Due to wind, all the windows were closed except near the dad's seat. The ride went on and I could see the brown countryside meadows. Some spot were emitting smoke vortexes scattering rapidly in the air current. Well, that reminded me of the graduation day. I sighed taking a good look outside as much as my eyes wandered.

When the view of the smoke lagged, I lie my head on the headrest and finally listening to the music tuning on my phone properly. "Why this is so hard to accept what's in front of me?" I begged in my mind.

As time passed by, we were closer to the airport. The road was less curvy and rather straight, pink wildflower smiling on both sides. As I was staring outside, a small glowworm attached to the glass window just in front of my sight. I squinted to look closer but it wasn't the only thing that stuck on the glass, several tiny glowing particles was moving along with the car. Suddenly I remembered the fireballs outside our home. Could it be the same from that night? And just like that time, it retire from my sight as we sped away to gate of the Reign Airport.

My chest felt heavy as I look around us. It was already drizzling. We were parked and my parents were getting off the car.

"We have few minutes left before the flight. I gotta grab a newspaper." My dad was saying, then he turned to me, "You need something, Sage?"

"Um, I'm fine."

He slightly nodded before scurrying away. I stepped on the slightly wet concrete floor looking around. There were less people in the surrounding, mostly were hurrying to the nearby awning.

"This is a place where we can park until we return, without any worries." Mom was taking out my bags and trolleys from the boot.

I took few deep breaths. "Mm..mom?"

"I know you are not feeling good. Tell me about it."

"I saw something strange on the way."

"Strange?" She stopped in midair.

For the first time, I was going to tell her about fireballs. "Fireballs."

"And?" She continued her action, not paying attention to me.

"They were chasing us. But got vanished somehow."

"How do they look like?"

"Small, circular but several of them."

"Hm..they might be glowworms or something, honey."

I went silent. She continued, "And if they were really fireballs, just don't go near to them."

"So you've seen them?"

"Never, but I believe in you. Tell me more about it if you saw them. Okay?"

"Yeah, sure."

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