✦ Questions

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"Care to come inside, Miss Wales?" Oscar pointed at the nearby classroom.

He noticed my hesitation so he says,"We won't be taking much time."

Since he carefully implied there will be others too. I must say, I'm doomed.

I had a choice to leave but it would be so rude of me, so I walk inside clutching my nervousness on the strap of my bag. It was not that horrible as I'd imagined when we came across an old man, who was already facing us standing on the lecture podium. Was he going to interrogate me? Did Oscar knew that I would be questioned by him? I wasn't aware of this. If I knew, I would be prepared for sure.

I don't want to postpone my studies.

Is this just because of that note I read? I didn't read but skimmed only. Okay, that's also a part of reading.

"Firstly," The old man spoke and I escaped my head. "We apologise if we caused you any displeasure but we won't be wasting any second. We value your time." He spoke calmly and I probably didn't mention his face, it was just―calm and collected.

He signalled me to take the foremost seat.

"Oscar, I leave all the talking to you. I shall take your leave now." The man gestured to the chair in front of me. Oscar sat on it and the man or maybe he was a professor, left the room.

The person in front of me looked at the papers. My heart was hammering, the only sound inside the room.

"Sage Wales," he began, "it's your previous academic details, Reign Academy.." He continued inspecting the papers thoroughly. Every time his muttering got even a little louder than his natural monotone voice, it would startle me. And worst, my breath was short as this meeting or whatever he is doing was scaring me. The other sentences he uttered went into oblivion as my senses were only focused on my clammy hands.

I must not have read the note.

Actually I must have never went to Watson's bookstore that day.


"Sage Wales?"

I stopped doing something. Looking down at my palm, it was a tight fist, nails completely digging into it. If Oscar hadn't called, I'd be ruining my left hand. I took few deep breaths under his gaze. I did again but it was same.

"Well, you're good?" While asking me that question with a blank stare on his face creeped me out. I don't want to include his dark circles under his eyes but I did.

I blinked and then slowly shook my head.

Sighing he withdraw himself and sat down on the chair continuing his reading. His thumb naturally reach close to his lips in deep thought.

And again, silence consumed us.

I felt like walls are closing in around me even though he didn't made me feel humbled. Besides, I had to know my worst habit.

"Who are you?" I find myself asking suddenly, "Um, I mean..why do you have my academic details?"

"I'm a student like you." He kept his eyes on papers even though he wasn't reading actually. He was only thinking, I deemed. "And I have it because..." He changed the subject, "I didn't ask you anything yet, did I?"

Was he insane? No.

He proceeded after a pause, "We are students, except I have to do something like this," he reffered the papers,"considering that, other regular students doesn't have to. It is practical."

Now that he revealed he has exceptional things to do, does it mean if I still can spare my future?

"Um, I...how did you know that I read..?" I asked expecting his fearsome retort.

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