✦ The Starless Night

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By the time we reached the ground floor, everywhere was chaos. And lots of words regarding the incident. We were mingling into the crowd but I cease to move when at the corner of the building, I saw a familiar person. April looked behind at me asking what happened and I told her that I spotted our librarian, Ms Mary. She came back to me and excusing every person on the track we made our way to her.

"Ms Mary?" When I called she looked startled and smiled tentatively as she saw us coming.

"We hope we didn't disturb you from anything, Miss." April spoke politely.

"Oh, it's you two, Sage and April..April, right?"

"Yes, I am."

"Hm..you two must be worried?"

"Like everyone here, Miss." April replied and I acknowledged her.

"But the main thing I am worried about..is your graduation day. It has spoiled because of one mistake."

"Uh..that's fine to us as long as we all are safe. I mean no one got hurt, right?"

"The cops are investigating. I can only pray, dear."

"I'm sorry but did you mean the mistake as the breakout of the fire?" I finally asked.

"No, not really. The mistake I made is by giving the key."


"Some ex-students claimed that they wanted to search an important stuff. I believed them and handed the keys of the library office. Then after some time we heard an alarm."

"It's not your fault, Miss."

"I agree. I believe they are safe and innocent too."

April stopped questioning and remained silent travelling her gaze around. My mind recalled those words, "We'll got to know when we'll discover...it's only library items you know.."

What did they mean by library items? They were not planning to do something wrong, did they? And Stone, he is prone to burn any thing that comes in handy like books...oh! What must have happened inside the library?

"Sage, let's go." She whispered."Our friends must be searching."

I nodded.

"Miss, we have to go now."

"Sure. And thanks for being here with me."

"I know you'd do the same for us!" I reminded. We turned back to the way where we came from.

"Sage, wait!"

"Yes?" I look at her by my shoulder. Then, she came to me.

"This is for you. Sorry, I couldn't made time to buy something nice." She said taking out a book from her bag and giving it to me.

"But why?"

"This is probably the only book saved. I am giving this to you as a graduation keepsake."

I accepted. "Thank you Ms Mary. But may I ask you why me?"

"Ohh, how could I forget the top reader of school!" She smiled. "And I don't know why I think you are worthy of the last remaining. Anyway don't caught up by the tragic things. They are like dramas. And April I'm sorry for-"

"It's fine, Miss. As you know I'm not a prolific reader like Sage..hm." She smiled.

Ms Mary gave us a tight smile and we moved into the crowd searching for friends.

When we halt on the open ground looking all around, Kenzo found us and informed that our parents were here, looking for us. He told their location and before we could walk Kenzo asked me for some time to talk. And April giving me a playful smile trotted away.

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