✦ Something Dark

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"Yes, he came here and left. And I decided to keep those flowers close to my eyes." I concluded quickly gazing at the flowers. I have not told anything to my parents about Stone though they asked about the giver, and yet, April was the only one whom I talked about him but only once.

"Uh..you aren't making up that part, are you anyhow?" She asked on the other side of the phone.

"Huh, which one? Flowers?"

"Nope." It was a quick response.


"You said yours and his hands glowed..um..what was it?"

"Ahh..so you were asking about this? I..yeah, that felt normal to me even I didn't know how that happened. A red force ignited from our hands. Bizarre!"

"Heavens! It's crazy. And I never know you knew each other." She squealed incredulously,"You really aren't kidding?!"

"If fireballs exist then why not this power," I said lifting my hands to my face. She found it hard to believe."Do you think I would joke at this moment? You answer.." I trailed off.

"Ugh! Okay okay. Can't we change the topic? I really don't like to talk about him honestly."


"Of course him. He is the one who.."

"Who?" I insisted wondering. She remained silent. I waited.

"Uh...who held your hands. Aidan or who could it be?" Her strained voice meant something was fishy.

"Oh..Aidan? I didn't know his name..so how did you met him?" I nearly fell trying to switch off the lights from the bed. Somehow, I did that.

"Careful with him, Sage. He's a pain in the neck." She sighed,"We met..erm..at Juniors playground. Yah.." It was very unusual to find her voice perplexed.

"I got it. So you wanna hear my story about him?" I bit my tongue regretting what I asked.

"I told you right. I don't wanna talk about him!"

I nodded looking around my room."Sorry," I whispered.

"I didn't meant to be rude. Hello?"

"Yeah, it's fine, April." I replied.

"April?" I called again.


"One last time, may I ask you something before?"

"Yes?" Indecisive tone.

"Is Aidan involved in threatening act? Did he told you to-"

"Sage, what are you asking? I don't know what and how to respond."

"I understand." I sighed to calm down myself.

"Hey, why are we even discussing about nothing that long? Remember, tomorrow's event? We will got to hit the dance floor, yee!"

Did she change the topic? Of course, it was nothing to her but..

"Yeah. Graduation." Dancing is not an easy thing to me. It doesn't matter how perky she gets, I will find the dance floor always..erm.

"Sagei, you gonna sleep?"

"Night, April."

"Night. And be careful."

I hung up.

"Something is black at the bottom." I muttered staring into the darkness around me.

* * *

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