✦ Mr Brilliant Eyes

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[After two months.]

I completely forgot to fill the holes inside me as I was lost somewhere else. My mind was sensitive like the scattered pieces of clouds, but unlike this, I buried my thoughts under the changing circumstances.

Furthermore, I put on the warm clothes after finishing three funniest videos I'd ever watched. I had been loving funny videos since my reality became hard to laugh, without any company.

"Dad, I need your camera. I'm going to the woods above." I said, casually pulling my black beanies to my ear.

Dad was reading a book in the daylight, sitting on the chair near the windowsill. When he heard me speaking, he removed his spectacles and sighed. "I'm glad. You decided to go some place, finally."

I smiled, my mama showed up outside her room with a camera in her hands and assured me to enjoy the moment whether it's pleasant summer or frozen winter. They were quite relieved as I was gradually socializing with the surrounding nature again. Before this month, I was pestered due to my vast studies at school, moreover I suffered more when I was unable to share my thoughts and problems with my classmates. 'Someone' knew all of this, but I was invisible to her.


"April, I understand. You keep me away 'cause you need some space, but your ways are hurting me." I was near to sob.

"I'm not concerned about space. Victor broke up with me because I was a nerd like you. And luckily, I'm moving away with my parents to another place after a few months. Forget me, Sage. I'm bored with you!"

"Please, Apr-"

The call was over. She hung up. I was left with all my fears and tears that started engulfing me.

I groaned, pushing my head harder on the pillows and couldn't help myself, so I cried silently. At first, I thought all my emotions will trigger my tears all night, but it wasn't possible.

I wondered how could a person change so fast. Just because of one person she met few months back?

end of flashback.

The chilly breeze of December gently stroke my face as I walked slowly to the upward direction of the road. The mouthwatering scent of fresh cardamom and cocoa was lingering in the air, it reminded me of Christmas which is coming soon along with my birthday. Most of the people seemed to be spending time at home with their friends and families as it was winter holidays; besides the road was long and deserted. I heaved as I took every step leading to the top woods, and my nose felt numb due to the low temperature, though it wasn't snowing in our region yet.

The beautiful scenery unfolded like a book in front of my eyes when I reached above far from the people lives. The sky was clear and crisp blue. Below the sky, the reign river was flowing gracefully beside the town, shimmering by the presence of sunlight. The evergreen trees embedding on the lofty hills were stretched until the horizon. As far as my sight reached, I didn't lose a single detail of the breathtaking view. Thank goodness, I brought my dad's camera.

I would tell the stars that how much wonderful the planet earth is, if it was possible to reach them.

As I get closer to the woods, my footsteps echoed through the dark road, disrupting the solitude and calm environment. I never knew this place would make me in seventh heaven.

A close photo of the lichens that had blanketed the pines was a good idea. To maintain another close focus, I stooped towards one of the slender stem, ready to take a shot.

One. Two. Three!

"What's up buddy?"

I jumped up when someone spoke behind me and in less than a second, my camera slipped from my hands to the lush ground.

"Ohmygo- Ohmygosh! I nearly had a heart attack!" I was panic-stricken, my eyes gone wide, and for a moment, I thought I'm gonna pass out. I'm unbelievable! What is Mr. Karl's elder son doing here? A walk?

"I'm sorry. I really mean it."

"What are you doing here, mister?"

I pretended to be calm, my heart pounded against my chest and I didn't feel any good. Suddenly, my legs went limp as noodles and I crashed on the ground. It was better to close my eyes because the trees were spinning round and round, that made my headache worse. I cannot be this weak.


Probably, he kneeled because I felt his fiery stare and his warm hands landed comfortably on my forehead. I had never been so comfortable around an unknown person. And the reason for the composure: no matter how many times he had caught me in a vulnerable state, he seemed friendly and helpful except his mysterious eyes which burns. God. It glows. All my statements can be turned into an assumption, though.

"I blame myself for being so delicate and scared. Sorry, stranger."

He chuckled but didn't say a word.

Did he dislike the word 'stranger'?

He helped me to stand up. While he was picking my dad's unscathed camera from the ground, I noticed he had his camera hanging through his neck. I was going to ask him something interesting to lower the dead silence, but he started first.

"You can call me Stone. How's your headache now?"

Taking my camera, I replied without looking to him. Hm, he is kinder than I'd thought from his looks.

"I can cope up with this minor ones. How did you know that?"

"Just a guess, by the way." He started looking around to take shots, maybe.

"Okay. Stone?" I called his surname nervously, walking some distance to check my limp legs.


"Do you have a best friend?" I gulped when April's face flashed in front of my eyes.

My simple question stopped him from what he was doing, and he stared at me as if he will get an answer from my mind.

"Nah, but my girlfriend is my best friend."

"You're a college guy, eh?" This time I didn't hesitate to question him.

"It sounds you were all alone in this winter holiday, right? And for your information; Yes, I'm first year freshman."

I heard the shuttering sound of his camera as he was taking the pictures of the sun rays peeping through the dense pine trees. It's pretty. I was silent when I remembered some unsolved events of nature, like the fireballs which resembles as cluster of stars. I had told this to my best friend, but everything changed like the seasons on earth and nowadays, I woke up feeling lonely and left out. It's better to keep in mind that nobody has answers, but I'm curious, just curi-

"Sage, are you okay? Sweats are popping on your face."

I put my hands on my face, and he was right. What on earth is happening to me?

"It happens. Do you come here frequently?" I grinned, forgetting about my condition. I'm glad that I'm actually talking.

"It depends." He said without a hint of any interest in our conversation.

"Well, okay. Mr Brilliant eyes? May I call you that?"

Did I just tease him?

"Don't make a stranger laugh like a maniac." He scoffed.

I smiled. "Well, I've got to get going."

I started my journey downwards along with the whisper of cold breeze in my ear, my footsteps diminishing from the woods. And my last question that echoed through the loftier trees was,

"If I was a close friend of yours, then I'd ask you a lot of questions. But we're still strangers, aren't we?"

No response.

I never looked back, as I wasn't in mood for messing up with him again. However every time, this new friend makes me wonder. I wondered how could he happen to be at the same woods where I was?

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