Grains of Purple

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Some angst for ya


The door closed behind her and the moment it did, her sob came out.

"Stupid...I'm so stupid!" She yelled at herself.

Why? Why did she do that? Why did she allow her self just one night of pure happiness and bliss?

She knew she shouldn't have gone to him. She knew she shouldn't have went on that date and laughed and joked with him. It was wrong of her to walk down the street with her arm in his and whisper to each other how beautiful the night sky was even though they secretly referred to the other.

Her heart throbbed in her chest as she remember his smile and the way he kissed her softly.

It was all too much and she wished she could take it all back.

She found herself in the secret room behind her bookshelf. Anger, no rage, was boiling inside of her as she stared at the object. She saw red and wanted nothing more than to scream and break its glass, claw at it like a deranged animal.

A thick novel made its way into her hand as she huffed and marched towards the desk.

She raised the book above her head ready to let it smash down on the hourglass. The one that had been holding her hostage since the beginning of time.

It stopped inches away from the top and soon the book was through halfway across the small room and took out one of the smaller shelves.

She grabbed the glass and turned. Her back sliding down the dark oak desk and cradled it near her chest.

"I just wanted more time." She whimpered but the sand still fell. Grain by grain her life was just mere droplets of sand.

Her head arched back as she let out a blood boiling scream.

"I take it back! I take back all I've done!" But it was no use. She had sold herself short years ago and there was no stopping her time.

For once in her life she felt valued. She felt like life had a real meaning, a purpose. Tonight she felt like she could have stayed with him for eternity and held him in her arms.

She had finally understood what Love was, even if it was for one night.

She knew what the countless movies she watched meant when they said you see stars in the persons eye. She had never witnessed a feeling so freeing than dancing with him and for once someone looked at her like she deserved the world.

She watched as the purple sand was nearing its end. Soon it would all be over and she would return to a life that was made unlivable.

It hurt but even in her tears she smiled. Her fingers traced the glass and her heart fluttered and burned all at once.

"Thank you Gray, for teaching me that love is possible."

She kissed the hourglass and it rolled out of her hands as the life drained from her body.

The purple sand all laid at the end of one side and turned to dust.

He finally made it home and couldn't contain the blush on his face. The clock on his wall ticked and soon his heart felt heavy and like he couldn't breathe.

He couldn't understand this pain washing over him. Almost like he lost something important.


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